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Tuesday, April 26, 2016

Observing Anzac Day

Soldiers on duty at the New Norfolk
Cenotaph on Anzac Day.
STUDENTS, emergency service volunteers and family members made up for a dwindling number of veterans at New Norfolk's Anzac Day services this week.

Reverend Celia Hooker from St Matthew's Anglican Chuch spoke at the town's two civic services on Monday morning and another at the local nursing home, noting that all were as well attended as last year.

"The weather was spectacular for the Dawn Service," Mrs Hooker said. "It was only about four degrees but the sky was so clear and beautiful," she said.

Mrs Hooker said it was obvious that many New Norfolk families instilled a deep respect in their children for the town's servicemen and women.

"Right from the Dawn Service onwards there is a lot of people taking their children and grandchildren to our services and they display great reverence and respect," she said.

1 comment:

  1. Pity the noise from the High St roundabout ruined the 11 o'clock service. Perhaps next year the roundabout could be closed for the duration of the services and then we might be able to hear what was said.
