COVID-19 ADVICE: The following links provide official advice and information about the virus known as COVID-19.
Australia's state and federal governments are taking action to help slow the spread of COVID-19. Use the links above to source the latest advice about what you can do to protect yourself and others. Washing your hands for 20 seconds is one of the most effective forms of infection control. Do this after blowing your nose, coughing or sneezing; after close physical contact with anyone who is unwell; after using the toilet; before and after eating; before, during and after preparing food; and after feeding or touching a pet.

Saturday, April 28, 2018

Today's footy scores

Southern Football League
Round 5 - New Norfolk v Hobart at Boyer Oval

Seniors: Hobart 11.11 (77) d New Norfolk 11.8 (74)

Women: Hobart 11.8 (74) d New Norfolk 0.1 (1)

Reserves: Hobart 14.14 (98) d New Norfolk 4.8 (32)

Colts: New Norfolk 10.9 (69) d Hobart 4.2 (26)

Friday, April 27, 2018

New headstones for unmarked war graves

THE unmarked graves of 10 World War I servicemen at the old New Norfolk cemetery in North Crescent will receive new headstones tomorrow (Saturday).

Erected by the Tasmanian Headstone Project with funding from the Derwent Valley Council, the headstones will be unveiled by the Governor of Tasmania at 11am. The public is invited to attend and parking is available at the Derwent Valley PCYC in Third Avenue. Please be seated by 10.50am.

The soldiers being commemorated are:
  • Private John Alfred Raynor, 40th Battalion
  • Private Charles Leslie Harrex, 12th Battalion
  • Private Winston Alfonso Triffitt, 12th Battalion
  • Private Daniel Withers,. 40th Battalion
  • Private Percy Hugh Morgan, Australian Employment Company
  • Private Albert James Sutton, 40th Battalion
  • Private Athol Henry O’Keefe, 40th Battalion
  • Private William Thomas Synnott, 12th Battalion
  • Private James Malcolm Cockerill, 40th Battalion
  • Private Cecil Daniel Doyle, 40th Battalion
The event will feature an address by the Governor, Professor Kate Warner, as well as local historian and World War II veteran Ken O'Brien OAM.

Eagles meet Tigers in four games tomorrow

New Norfolk v Hobart, 1.30pm at Boyer

THIS is one of the most intriguing rounds of SFL matches for many seasons with highlights galore expected across all matches. With SFL selectors keeping a close eye on action for the July intrastate match v the NTFA, now is the time for players to be shining.

The round kicks off at Boyer Oval on Saturday in the earlier time slot of 1.30pm as the Eagles host the Tigers in four matches (colts, reserves, seniors and women) for the first time.

The Eagles will be looking to retain the Trevor Leo Cup against their former TFL rival the Hobart Tigers. Both teams are coming off losses last weekend, with the Tigers going down at home to Cygnet by one point whilst the more youthful 2018 Eagles could not match the Lions at Huonville.

Could this weekend see a draw and thrill the crowd at Boyer?


Game Times
Colts: 9.30am
Reserves: 11.30am
Seniors: 1.30pm
Women: 4pm

New Norfolk seniors to be selected from: M. Parker, J. Van-Lierop, J. Campbell, J. Gunther, R. Franklin, R. Heron, M. Horne, J. Hills, J. Whitford, L. Harris, J. Eiszele, J. Wigg, A. Tonks, B. Ransley, T. Purdon, J. Daley, J. Banks-Smith, A. Burgess, J. Farrow, M. Murray, D. Triffett, K. Hansen, B. Wardlaw, B. Lovell, J. King, J. Clifford and Z. Graham.
In: L. Harris.

New Norfolk reserves to be selected from: J. Ransley, K. Glover, T. Bligh , M. Jones, L. Wheeler, R. Thomason, B. Tomlin, T. Heron, J. Fisher-Cooley, D. Coppleman, W. Lockley, K. Walker, C. Keleher, L. Crosswell, L. Harris, D. Denny, T. Purdon, B. King, Z. Harris, L. Browning, J. Taylor-Evans, C. Ransley, A. Matcham, B. Hodge, T. Triffett, D. Triffett and J. Murray.
In: J. Taylor-Evans, T. Triffett, T. Purdon, J. Murray and A. Matcham.

New Norfolk colts to be selected from: J. Harris, J. Palmer, R. Thomason, J. Pearce, S. Holloway, J. George, Z. Wheeler, J. Fisher-Cooley, O. Haigh, J. Triffett, H. Davis, R. Franklin, B. Howlett, B. Triffett, D. Coppleman, T. Donaghy, T. Rainbird, M. Barnes, C. Keleher, C. Morgan, D. Morgan, L. Crosswell and C. Triffett.

New Norfolk women to be selected from: H. McMaster, T. Curtis, K. Hall, K. Harris, W. Jacinta, A. Young, K. Wilson, L. Flakemore , N. Flakemore, C. Percey, C. Lovell, T. Mundy, J. Flakemore , T. Weber, D. Cranage, B. Sutton, W. Harris, S. Hickey, K. Grant, C. Gebel, B. Bartels, B. Browning, J. Cleaver, O. Smith, J. Hyland, B. Laughlin, J. McNaughton, T. Tangata and H. Sawyer.

Wednesday, April 25, 2018

Gallery: 2018 New Norfolk Dawn Service

The New Norfolk Cenotaph shortly before dawn today.
Derwent Valley Council workers were out early to prepare for the local
Anzac Day dawn service.
Marchers making their way from the RSL Club to the New Norfolk Cenotaph.
The parade turned to face the rising sun near the end of the dawn service.
Local Royal Australian Navy veterans Zoe Baker and Jamie McCullagh and son
 Dylan Baker after the dawn service. Leading Seaman Baker today became the
the first woman to lead a dawn service parade at New Norfolk.
One of the floral tributes placed at the Cenotaph during the dawn service.
All quiet at the Cenotaph after the dawn service.

Ex-servicewoman leads local Dawn Service

Today's Dawn Service at New Norfolk.
ONLOOKERS burst into a round of applause as a parade of about 100 veterans and community members approached the New Norfolk Cenotaph this morning.

The New Norfolk RSL Club's Anzac Day Dawn Service attracted a crowd of several hundred which started to gather around 5.30am while Derwent Valley Council workers were setting up for the 6am service.

Before the parade set off from the RSL Club in George St, parade marshal Dale Britten called for a female veteran to lead the parade for the first time. Ex-servicewoman Zoe Baker answered the call and took her place at the front for the short march to the Cenotaph in Circle St.

The Reverend Celia Hooker led the prayers and reflected on the sacrifice of the Derwent Valley’s servicemen and women in the quest for world peace.

The list of the fallen from World War I and II was read out by Dallas Baker OAM and The Last Post was sounded by Arthur Jones from the Derwent Valley Concert Band.

All is now quiet at the Cenotaph but from about 10.30am participants in the main Anzac Day parade will start to assemble at Arthur Square at the corner of High and Stephen streets. The parade will set off at about 10.45am for the main service at the Cenotaph at 11am.

There will also be an 11am service at the Bushy Park War Memorial Swimming Pool, Gordon River Rd.

Monday, April 23, 2018

Council meeting was still one short

The vacant seat at last week's council meeting, left.
MEMBERS of the public hoping to see the newest councillor in action at last week's Derwent Valley Council meeting were disappointed to find that the elected member of the moment would not be present.

"Obviously Cr Salt is an apology, she already had pre-arranged commitments prior to [her election] but she will be at the Molesworth meeting next month," Cr Evans said at the start of the monthly meeting in the New Norfolk Courthouse last Thursday night.

Acting general manager Mark Eady informed the meeting that New Norfolk resident Anne Salt had been elected as a councillor on a recount following the resignation of Cr Damian Bester on February 28.

Mr Eady said Mrs Salt had been sworn in as a councillor on April 6. "Mrs Salt has been elected as a councillor to serve until the 2018 ordinary election," he said. "The acting general manager administered the making of the declaration of office by Anne Salt - Councillor Anne Salt - on Friday the 6th of April, 2018."

This announcement sparked some muttering in the public gallery, with many having expected the new councillor's declaration of office to take place in public at a council meeting as has been the past practice at the Derwent Valley Council.

The mayor then made a presentation to former councillor Damian Bester in recognition of his eight years of service on the council. "You have been on council nearly as long as me," Cr Evans said. "I know that changes in your employment have made it that you can't be here ... you would have loved to have seen your term out but this is a token of our appreciation from the councillors and staff for your contribution that you have made to this community."

The 145-page open council agenda (plus attachments) was dealt with in 90 minutes including public question time. Anne Stephenson asked about the recent removal of abandoned car bodies from the top of Collins Cap Rd and whether this was a council initiative. The question was taken on notice. Albert Stephenson questioned the audio recording of meetings and the availability of draft minutes of meetings and this question was also taken on notice.

Business operator and former councillor Wayne Shoobridge made a statement about concerns over the council's role in the implementation of the High Street Market and asked about insurance for stallholders and the market's impact on jobs in High St, stating that there had been two or three job losses and more than five Saturday shifts that are no longer available. Mr Shoobridge said he supported the market but implored the council to take these concerns into consideration before deciding on the future of the market. He also commented on the provision of qualified advice by the acting general manager and asked when a promised economic impact survey of High St businesses would be tabled. Responding to Mr Shoobridge, Cr Evans said the information was in the current council agenda.

Diane Cowburn followed-up on her question to the last council meeting about two very-longstanding "temporary jobs" at the council and said the response provided by the acting general manager amounted to filibustering. Mrs Cowburn said her question was not about individuals but whether two specific jobs were to be advertised. "It's still staffing matters," acting general manager Eady said, sotto voce, before the mayor responded that  staffing matters were in the remit of the general manager who had the power to appoint staff in line with the budget. "That's the same old same old, you've just dished up the same answer," Mrs Cowburn protested before being cut off by the mayor. "That's my answer," he said.

Former mayor and MP Tim Morris followed-up on a previous question about fire abatement procedures in the municipality and asked whether the council had a policy and/or practice of abiding by its own fire abatement policy. Council officer Richard Blackwell took the question on notice. The next statement and question was from Len Butterworth who asked whether the council would be seeking restitution over delays in recent planning matters in High St and at Magra. Acting general manager Mark Eady said he would not answer the first part of the question which related to alleged fraud, and in respect to the second part of the question there had been no additional costs incurred. Mr Butterworth said he was not satisfied with the response.

In business before the council, it was resolved to cease the 30-minute public open sessions at council workshops; community grants totaling $8568 were approved; planning fees of $1776 paid by the Derwent Pony Club were reimbursed; a revised policy on councillor allowances, expenses and entitlements was released for public comment; fees for dog registrations for the 2018/19 financial year were adopted; a statement on council values was adopted; the operators of the High St Market were approved to continue the market while a process is developed to see expressions of interest in running the market; the senior management report was accepted; and the mayor announced that he would be absent from the May council meeting.

Councillor questions without notice included Cr Belcher asking about the grading of Daniels Rd and the reconstruction of Nicholson St; and Cr Graham asked about a signage audit that was mooted some time ago. The meeting then broke for refreshments before going into a closed session to discuss the "Oval Buildings" at Willow Court; a "mayoral claim"; swimming pool summary; and the closed senior management report.

Following the closed meeting, the mayor announced the following outcomes of that meeting: the report on the Oval Building had been "noted"; the mayoral claim was "determined"; the swimming pool summary was "noted"; and the closed senior management report was also "noted".

Guide to Anzac Day in the Valley

Last year's Dawn Service
in New Norfolk.
Program for the Derwent Valley

5.30am: Gunfire breakfast at RSL Club, 30 George St.
5.45am: Assemble RSL for march to Cenotaph.
6am: Dawn service at the Cenotaph, followed by $5 breakfast at RSL.
9.30am: Special service at Corumbene Home.
10.40am: Assemble at Arthur Square, corner of High and Stephen streets, for the parade.
11am: Main service at Cenotaph, refreshments at RSL after.

Dawn Service: Circle St will be closed to all traffic between 5.30–7am. Richmond St, Tank St, and High St from Burnett St will also be closed.   

Main Service and Parade: High St including access from all side streets will be closed to all traffic from 10am–noon.  There will be no vehicular access to High St between Stephen St and Circle St. Richmond St, Circle St and Tank St will also be closed to all traffic during this time.  

Derwent Valley Council acting general manager Mark Eady said residents and road users affected by this event were asked to make allowances for interruptions and delays. "Council apologises for any inconvenience caused during this time," Mr Eady said.

11am: Anzac Day Service, Bushy Park War Memorial Swimming Pool, Gordon River Rd.

6am: Assemble near Mountain Cafe, Kallista Rd, for march to RSL Club.
6.15am: Dawn Service at RSL Club.

6am: Dawn Service at Cenotaph, Lyell Hwy.

11am: Anzac Day Service at Town Hall, Tarleton St.

6.30am: Dawn service on the grounds in front of Bronte Park pub site.

Sunday, April 22, 2018

Yesterday's footy scores

Southern Football League
Round 4 - New Norfolk v Huonville at Huonville

Huonville 2.0, 3.9, 6.13, 10.15 (75)
New Norfolk 2.6, 4.10, 5.14, 5.17 (47)
Goals - Huonville: B. Denehey 3, R. Ward 2, T. Barnett, D. Golding, B. Guy, B. Bowerman, M. Paul; New Norfolk: B. Wardlaw 2, M. Parker 2, B. Ransley.
Best - Huonville: J. Lawler, J. Lovell, A. Johns, R. Ward, M. Paul, B. Guy; New Norfolk: R. Heron, B. Lovell, M. Horne, R. Franklin, K. Hansen, B. Wardlaw.

Huonville 2.6, 6.7, 8.9, 13.12 (90)
New Norfolk 2.0, 7.0, 8.3, 10.6 (66)
Goals - Huonville: D. Garth 4, J. Stanway 3, B. Carver 2, J. O'Connor 2, J. Griggs, J. Lovell; New Norfolk: C. Ransley 5, L. Wheeler 2, J. Ransley 2, R. Thomason.
Best - Huonville: T. Cordwell, D. Mulder, J. Pedder, B. Page, J. Stanway; New Norfolk: L. Browning, C. Ransley, W. Lockley, R. Thomason, T. Bligh , M. Jones.

New Norfolk 3.4, 10.8, 14.11, 17.14 (116)
Huonville Lions 0.0, 0.0, 0.1, 0.2 (2)
Goals - New Norfolk: C. Triffett 7, T. Donaghy 3, B. Howlett 2, C. Morgan 2, J. Pearce, H. Davis, Z. Wheeler.
Best - New Norfolk: C. Triffett, C. Morgan, M. Barnes, H. Davis, O. Haigh, T. Donaghy; Huonville: B. Pike, K. Buck, A. Geeves, G. Duggan, D. Temple, D. Baldwin.

Friday, April 20, 2018

Women look for scoreboard improvement

IN the second of nine gala days for the SFLW season, the North Hobart Demons club hosts all four games at the New Town Oval this Sunday, April 22.

  • Lindisfarne Blues v Hobart Tigers 10.30am
  • Lauderdale v New Norfolk noon
  • North Hobart v Claremont 1.30pm
  • South East Suns v Port Cygnet 3pm

New Norfolk will be looking for an improvement on the scoreboard when it lines up against Lauderdale and will need to curb the influence of McManus, Aliendi, Teders and co.

New Norfolk to be selected from: H. McMaster, T. Curtis, K. Hall, K. Harris, W. Jacinta, A. Young, K. Wilson, L. Flakemore , N. Flakemore, C. Percey, C. Lovell, T. Mundy, J. Flakemore , T. Weber, D. Cranage, B. Sutton, W. Harris, S. Hickey, K. Grant, C. Gebel, B. Bartels, B. Browning, J. Cleaver, O. Smith, J. Hyland, B. Laughlin, J. McNaughton, T. Tangata and H. Sawyer.

VIDEO: This weekend's New Norfolk match preview

New Norfolk v Huonville, 2pm at Huonville

THIS weekend’s match of the round is between the unbeaten Huonville up against reigning premiers New Norfolk at the Lion's Den Huonville Oval on Saturday.

Michael Paul has been in excellent form for the Lions who were dominant last weekend and had 10 more scoring shots than opponent Cygnet.

Marcus Parker up forward starred for the Eagles with five goals, helping to notch up their first victory for the season. Other major contributors from the Eagles last weekend were Josh Clifford, Rohan Heron and Mark Horne.


Game Times
Colts: 10am
Reserves: noon
Seniors: 2pm

New Norfolk seniors to be selected from: M. Parker, J. Van-Lierop, J. Campbell, J. Gunther, R. Franklin, R. Heron, M. Horne, J. Hills, J. Whitford, J. Eiszele, J. Wigg, A. Tonks, B. Ransley, T. Purdon, J. Daley, J. Banks-Smith, A. Burgess, J. Farrow, M. Murray, K. Hansen, B. Wardlaw, B. Lovell, J. King, J. Clifford and Z. Graham.
In: J. Whitford, J. Farrow and R. Franklin.

New Norfolk reserves to be selected from: J. Ransley, B. Wakefield, B. Ashley , T. Bligh , M. Jones, L. Wheeler, B. Tomlin, J. Walsh, J. Wilton, J. Whitford, L. Harris, D. Denny, D. Triffitt, Z. Harris, L. Browning, D. Triffett, C. Ransley, A. Matcham, B. Hodge, T. Triffett, D. Triffett and A. Long.

New Norfolk colts to be selected from: J. Harris, J. Palmer, R. Thomason, J. Pearce, J. George, Z. Wheeler, J. Fisher-Cooley, O. Haigh, J. Triffett, H. Davis, R. Franklin, B. Howlett, B. Triffett, D. Coppleman, T. Donaghy, T. Rainbird, M. Barnes, C. Keleher, C. Morgan, D. Morgan, L. Crosswell and C. Triffett.

Thursday, April 19, 2018

Targa in town tomorrow

DAY 5 of the 27th annual Targa Tasmania will see the fleet make its way from the West Coast tomorrow, passing through the Derwent Valley with competitive stages at Tarraleah and Molesworth and a lunch break at New Norfolk.

Targa Tasmania is described as the world's largest, longest and hardest tarmac rally event, covering more than 2000km with almost 40 competitive stages on closed roads, catering for up to 300 cars each year.

There will be several road closures in the Central Highlands and Derwent Valley municipalities between 9.30am and 5pm tomorrow.

  • At Tarraleah, the Lyell Highway between Bradys Lake Rd and Oldina Drive (southern end) will be closed from 9.30am to 2pm.
  • No road closures have been reported for the lunch break in New Norfolk between 11am and 1.30pm. Cars are expected to file thought the town throughout the time that period, making their way to the Derwent Valley PCYC in Third Avenue.
  • At Molesworth, Molesworth Rd will be closed between Glen Dhu Rd and Glenlusk Rd from 12.21pm to 4.51pm for the competitive stage in that area.

For more information visit

Tarraleah stage. Click map to enlarge.

Molesworth stage. Click map to enlarge.

Wednesday, April 18, 2018

Community market this Sunday

Derwent Valley
Community Market
Sunday, April 22, 2018

at Derwent Valley Community House
The Avenue, Willow Court, New Norfolk
Indoor and outdoor stalls available
Inquiries: 0458 649 379 / 0427 612 327
(Next market on May 20)

Monday, April 16, 2018

Women and babies escaped $400,000 house fire

FIREFIGHTERS from New Norfolk, Lachlan, Bushy Park and Magra were called to a house fire at Mt Lloyd just after 11am on Sunday.

They were alerted to the fire by a triple zero (000) call from the occupant and arrived to find the large house fully engulfed in fire.

"The fire had also spread to an adjoining garage and several cars," regional fire investigation officer Andrew Emery said. "Two women were able to evacuate the house with two babies before the fire took hold," Mr Emery said.

The fire took about an hour to bring under control and one of the occupants was treated for smoke inhalation. "While firefighting efforts were challenging due to strong, gusty winds, fire crews were able to stop the fire spreading to several other outbuildings," Mr Emery said.

Investigators from the Tasmania Fire Service and Tasmania Police attended the scene this morning and determined the fire was caused by a mattress that had been placed too close to a wood heater.

"This is the second house fire in a week caused by items being left too close to a heater," Mr Emery said. "Unfortunate events like this can be avoided by making sure all flammable items are kept two metres from any type of heater and open fires have a fire screen."

The damage bill of the fire at Mt Lloyd fire is estimated to be $400,000.

Saturday's scores in detail

SFL Round 3 scores
New Norfolk v Sorell

New Norfolk 4.5, 8.8, 10.9, 10.12 (72)
Sorell 0.2, 0.3, 2.5, 5.10 (40)
Goals - New Norfolk: M. Parker 5, B. Ransley 2, T. Purdon, B. Lovell, J. Wigg; Sorell: I. Salter 2, J. Curran, T. Gatehouse, B. Pace.
Best - New Norfolk: J. Clifford, M. Parker, R. Heron, J. Daley, M. Horne, J. King; Sorell: J. Curran, M. Johnson, J. Byers, B. Pace, I. Salter, J. Bateman.

New Norfolk 2.2, 4.8, 5.8, 6.12 (48)
Sorell 1.2, 2.3, 2.4, 4.7 (31)
Goals - New Norfolk: C. Ransley 2, J. Ransley 2, J. Wilton, J. Whitford; Sorell: C. Broughton 2, R. Batchelor, D. Griffiths.
Best - New Norfolk: B. Tomlin, L. Browning, Z. Harris, J. Whitford, J. Wilton, A. Matcham; Sorell: R. Batchelor, J. Hansen, J. Clear, M. Beven, J. Berry, D. Griffiths.

New Norfolk 2.3, 4.4, 5.4, 10.4 (64)
Sorell 0.2, 0.2, 2.4, 5.4 (34)
Goals - New Norfolk: C. Morgan 3, C. Triffett 3, R. Franklin, J. Triffett, T. Donaghy, J. Harris; Sorell: J. Watson, T. Cooper, K. Bennett, J. Campbell, T. Knott.
Best - New Norfolk: J. Palmer, B. Howlett, C. Keleher, C. Triffett, Z. Wheeler, D. Morgan; Sorell: J. Watson, K. Bennett, K. Webber, J. Pace.

Warning to sheep graziers

Bureau of Meteorology


Warning to Sheep Graziers
for the Upper Derwent Valley, Midlands, East Coast and South East forecast districts

Issued at 9:54pm on Monday 16 April 2018.

Sheep graziers are warned that cold temperatures, showers and strong westerly winds are expected during Tuesday. Areas likely to be affected include the Upper Derwent Valley and South East forecast districts and parts of the Midlands and East Coast forecast districts. There is a risk of losses of lambs and sheep exposed to these conditions.

The next warning will be issued by 5am Tuesday.

Family movie night this Saturday

Click image to enlarge

Severe weather warning

Bureau of Meteorology


Severe Weather Warning


For people in the Upper Derwent Valley, Furneaux Islands, Western, South East, North East, East Coast, Central Plateau and parts of North West Coast, Central North and Midlands Forecast Districts.
Issued at 4:54 am Monday, 16 April 2018.

DAMAGING WINDS for much of Tasmania on MONDAY MORNING.
A low pressure system is passing to the south of Tasmania with an associated vigorous cold front crossing the State this morning.
DAMAGING WEST TO SOUTHWESTERLY WINDS, averaging 60 to 70 km/h with gusts of 100 to 110 km/h are likely over the coming hours. Peak gusts may reach 120 km/h about the south and the Central Plateau.
Winds are expected to ease slightly later this morning, but remain fresh and gusty.
Locations which may be affected include Devonport, St Helens, Swansea, Strahan, New Norfolk and Hobart.
Various exposed sites have seen large wind gusts this morning including 163km/h at Maatsuyker Island, 156km/h at kunanyi (Mt Wellington), 128km/h at Scotts Peak, 109km/h at Low Rocky Point and 100km/h at Swan Island.

The State Emergency Service advises that people should:
* Supervise children closely.
* Check that family and neighbours are aware of warnings.
* Manage pets and livestock.
* Secure outdoor items including furniture and play equipment.
* Be prepared in case of power outages.
* Beware of damaged trees and power lines and take care when driving.
* Listen to the ABC radio or check for further advice.
* For emergency assistance contact the SES on 132500.

The next Severe Weather Warning will be issued by 11am Monday.

Warnings are also available through TV and Radio broadcasts, the Bureau's website at or call 1300 659 216
Plan Image
About Severe Weather Warning Services