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Sunday, October 14, 2018

Spring launch for Neighbourhood Watch

Members of the New Norfolk Neighbourhood Watch group.
THE re-established New Norfolk Neighbourhood Watch group is gearing up for an official launch at the end of this month.

Earlier this year, a small number of community members got together to form a working group
to set up New Norfolk Neighbourhood Watch.

"In recent years, guidelines for Neighbourhood Watch groups have changed, so how the scheme works here in the New Norfolk will be different from similar programs in the past," a spokesman for the group said.

"The group aims to empower community members in New Norfolk to educate themselves in the areas of reporting crime and suspicious behaviour and improving personal and home security."

They hope to promote increased feelings of safety and improve community harmony, bringing neighbours together. They will also investigate the needs of the New Norfolk community and work towards addressing the issues that most affect or concern residents.

“When all's said and done it's about keeping your eyes open," the spokesman said. "Observing, noting all the information you can and reporting. Irrespective of how many police we have on the beat, or for how many hours, they can't see what you will see. Assisting them not only makes their job easier, it leads to a safer community with increased wellbeing for all. So keep your eyes peeled.”

Working mainly through their Facebook page which will provide up-to-date information
including crime statistics, more detailed information about a range of topics will be available through their website.

New Norfolk Neighbourhood Watch will be launched through stalls at the New Norfolk Market on October 27, November 3, and November 10. This will be a great opportunity to say hello and collect information on how to keep your family and neighbourhood safe. You might also like to register as a volunteer member and support the local group.

For more information visit the website at, or follow the Facebook page for information updates including the latest crime reports.

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