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Sunday, October 4, 2015

Choppers tackle valley fires

A pair of helicopters behind the New Norfolk Fire Station
this morning. Click image to enlarge.
AT least two helicopters are operating in the skies above New Norfolk this morning as the Tasmania Fire Service tackles two bushfires in the area.

A fire in the area of Blackwells Rd at Magra and Cranes Rd at Dromedary was first reported at 5.46pm on Friday and as of this morning remains at "Advice" level. Click here for the latest details.

A fire near Plenty Valley Rd, Glenfern, was first reported at 1.04pm on Thursday and was elevated to "Advice" level at 8.04pm last night. Click here for the latest details.

During yesterday's day of total fire ban, incidents were also reported at Moss Beds Rd, Lachlan (now being patrolled) and Bedchambers Rd, Gretna (now contained), among many others throughout the state.

Google Map showing the approximate
location of the fire. Click to enlarge.
Issued At: 04/10/2015 9:09am

There is a bushfire in the Mt Dromedary Conservation Area near Cranes Rd, Dromedary, and Blackwells Rd, Magra.

There is no immediate threat. Fire under these conditions can be difficult to control.

Smoke, ash and embers may be affecting properties in the area.

What to do:
  • People in the area of Cranes Rd and Blackwells Rd should keep up to date by listening to ABC Local Radio or look at the TFS website at
  • Well prepared homes are defendable in these conditions.
  • If you are not prepared for a bushfire, think about leaving for a safe place if it gets more dangerous.
  • If your family has made a bushfire survival plan, check it now.

Google Map showing the approximate
location of the fire. Click to enlarge.
Issued At: 04/10/2015 9:13am

There is a bushfire at Plenty Valley Rd, Glenfern.

There is no immediate threat. Fire under these conditions can be difficult to control.

Smoke, ash and embers may be affecting the Mt Lloyd and Glenfern area.

What to do:
  • People in Mt Lloyd and Glenfern area should keep up to date by listening to ABC Local Radio or look at the TFS website at
  • Well prepared homes are defendable in these conditions.
  • If you are not prepared for a bushfire, think about leaving for a safe place if it gets more dangerous.
  • If your family has made a bushfire survival plan, check it now.

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