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Sunday, August 5, 2018

Thanks for your comments - more wanted

Community members sharing their ideas for the Derwent Valley
Council's new strategic plan.
PARTICIPANTS have been thanked for their contributions to the Derwent Valley Council's "Your Valley Your Voice" community consultation for its new strategic plan.

Mayor Martyn Evans said the two-week listening tour had seen more than 200 people attending community workshops and sharing their thoughts at listening posts, or providing online or postcard feedback.

"These contributions are vital in helping to shape a new Community Strategic Plan for the Derwent Valley," Councillor Evans said.

“Hundreds of ideas were raised. Some suggestions included improvement to road infrastructure, the sustainability and use of natural assets, 24-hour policing in New Norfolk, the image and promotion of the Valley and enabling business development across the region," Cr Evans said.

“The extensive consultation undertaken was a critical phase for the development of the new community plan for 2030. The gathering of ideas and priorities from the community about their long-term vision for Derwent Valley will now guide council on the strategic direction for the future” he said."

Cr Evans said there was still time for the community to provide feedback and comments as online and postcard submissions were open until the close of business this Wednesday, August 8. The feedback postcards are available for collection at the Derwent Valley Council Chambers, as well as at the New Norfolk Library and various shops in New Norfolk, Bushy Park, Maydena and Westerway. Online submissions can be made here.

"Council will continue to develop a draft of the community strategic plan over the coming months," he said. "After preparing the initial draft document, council will provide a report back to the community to ensure the plan meets the aspirations of the people in the Derwent Valley."

Cr Evans said the council was expecting to adopt the new strategic plan by October.

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