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Friday, April 12, 2013

Proud day at Bushy Park

The new Wall of Honour at Bushy Park
IT was a wonderful occasion at the Bushy Park Swimming Pool last Saturday when a brand new war memorial was unveiled and dedicated in the pool grounds.

Master of ceremonies Neville Fenton welcomed everyone to the special ceremony and introduced pool committee president Debra Crosswell who thanked everyone involved in the project that has seen a Wall of Honour erected in a little-used corner at the front of the property.

Looking for names on the monument
Committee secretary Lisa Fraser spoke about the history of the pool, which was built as a war memorial and was officially opened in 1958. Mrs Fraser said that after the passing of more than 50 years, many people were not aware of the facility's special significance. Thanks to a
Department of Veterans Affairs grant and support from the Derwent Valley Council and New Norfolk RSL, a Wall of Honour had been built to record and pay tribute to the names of servicemen and women of the district who had enlisted in World Wars I and II.

The official opening was performed by the Federal Member for Lyons, Dick Adams MHR, on behalf of the Minister for Veterans Affairs. Mr Adams said the new monument would become a focal point for the community and would enhance the significance of Anzac Day services at the pool. This was followed by a service of dedication conducted by Lieutenant Jacky Laing of the New Norfolk Salvation Army. "Painstakingly planned, detailed and boldly presented, this marker stands as a tribute, bringing honour to the names written on it, and our Lord God," Lieut Laing said.

New Norfolk Returned and Services League vice president Stephen Ball congratulated the pool committee on its initiative. Mr Ball marveled at the fact that more than 300 men and women from the Bushy Park district and surrounds had enlisted in World War I and a similar number in World War II. He remarked that many of the local men and women who served in Europe during World War I would not have left the Derwent Valley prior to enlisting. Following Mr Ball's remarks, a stirring Last Post and Reveille were performed by bugler Arthur Jones from the Derwent Valley Concert Band. Wreaths were laid at the base of the new monument by the pool committee, New Norfolk RSL and Glenora District High School.

1 comment:

  1. Congratulations to those who organised this memorial. It looks lovely.
