COVID-19 ADVICE: The following links provide official advice and information about the virus known as COVID-19.
Australia's state and federal governments are taking action to help slow the spread of COVID-19. Use the links above to source the latest advice about what you can do to protect yourself and others. Washing your hands for 20 seconds is one of the most effective forms of infection control. Do this after blowing your nose, coughing or sneezing; after close physical contact with anyone who is unwell; after using the toilet; before and after eating; before, during and after preparing food; and after feeding or touching a pet.

Thursday, December 28, 2017

Westerway Primary School Awards 2017

Click image to enlarge.
Awards for Merit: Dannika Barratt, Prep; Charlotte Hall, Grade 1; Lola Stroh, Grade 2; Emma Pritchard, Grade 3; Safira Gillam, Grade 4; Bronwyn Rust, Grade 5; Georgia Grant, Grade 6.
Awards for Effort: Charlie Triffitt, Prep; Jack Cunningham, Grade 1; Aiden Harvey, Grade 2; Kayden Cunningham, Grade 3; Cooper Watt, Grade 4; Ruby Slater, Grade 5; Isabella Joseph, Grade 6.

Jill Smith Memorial (sponsored by Carol Wilson) Westerway Bees Award Kinder/Prep: Charli Triffitt
Westerway Raspberry Farm Westerway Bees Award Grade 1/2: Ashton Attard
Derwent Valley Buses Westerway Bees Award Grade 3/4: Ashlee Clifford
David Llewellyn MHA Westerway Bees Award Grade 4/5/6: Montanna Edwards
Scott Browning Sportsperson Award: Toby Marriott
Mona Cannan Memorial (Sponsored by Helen Cooper) Award for Prep Literacy: Qynn Fogarty
Minister for Education Respectful Student Award: Emma Pritchard
Central Highlands Council Continuing Education Bursary (Grade 6): Georgia Grant
Central Highlands Council Citizenship Award: Emma Nelson
Derwent Valley Council Civic Recognition Award: Bronwyn Rust
Mark Shelton MHA Perseverance Award: Miya Pappas
Craig Farrell MLC Citizenship Award: Isabella Joseph
Westerway Fire Brigade Community Involvement Award: Ellie Pritchard
Guy Barnett MHA Willingness to Help Peers Award: Bronte McAllister
Award for Outstanding Learning in Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Culture (sponsored by Loueen Triffett): Thomas Joseph
Outstanding Engagement in the WildSc'ool Program: Jazmyn Filliponi
Outstanding Engagement in Stephanie Alexander Kitchen Garden Program: Kaine McAllister
Councillor Damian Bester Award for Special Effort in Literacy: Neave Cusens
Councillor Damian Bester Award for Special Effort in Civics: William McQueen
Derwent Valley Rotary Club Award for Special Effort in Numeracy: Eliza Wickham
Brian Mitchell MHR Award for Special Effort in Art: Nash Ransley
Rebecca White MHA Award for Achievement in Music: Isabella Joseph
Westerway Primary School Award for Special Effort in Japanese: Piper Triffitt
Westerway Primary School Award for Special Effort in Spelling: Charles Nelson

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