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Sunday, January 28, 2018

Sunday: Total Fire Ban

TODAY is a day of Total Fire Ban throughout southern Tasmania, including the Derwent Valley municipality. The Tasmania Fire Service has strike teams posted in high risk areas including Ouse, and was able to contain and extinguish several outbreaks of fires yesterday.

With high temperatures and extremely dry vegetation across the state, TFS station officer Andrew Emery said fire crews weren't taking any chances heading into today's Very High Fire Danger and Total Fire Ban for the south of the state.

Mr Emery said the plan was respond to any fires rapidly with heavy resources to keep them small, limit damage and fully extinguish the fires quickly.

With the TFS still patrolling several fires today, Mr Emery asks landowners to check any fires they may have previously had on their properties. "Three of the fires over the last 24-hours have started from re-ignitions of old fires which landowners previously believed were extinguished. TFS urges any landowner who has previously had fires burning on their property to check them again to make sure that they are completely out," he said.

A Total Fire Ban applies
throughout the south today.
The Total Fire Ban started at midnight and will be in force until midnight tonight (January 28). During this period no fires may be lit or allowed to remain alight in the open air. This applies to all outdoor fire, including incinerators, burn offs, campfires, fire pots and wood-fuelled barbecues.

Everyone is encouraged to visit the TFS website to view the Community Bushfire Protection Plans. These are developed to provide assistance in the event of an emergency that will inform residents of Nearby Safer Places, evacuation routes and how to receive emergency information. Information is also included that will assist in preparing individual Bushfire Survival Plans prior to a fire occurring.

The TFS urges the public to be vigilant and report any fires immediately to the Tasmania Fire Service by calling Triple-Zero (000).

For more information about Total Fire Bans visit and listen to ABC Local Radio in the event of an emergency.

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