COVID-19 ADVICE: The following links provide official advice and information about the virus known as COVID-19.
Australia's state and federal governments are taking action to help slow the spread of COVID-19. Use the links above to source the latest advice about what you can do to protect yourself and others. Washing your hands for 20 seconds is one of the most effective forms of infection control. Do this after blowing your nose, coughing or sneezing; after close physical contact with anyone who is unwell; after using the toilet; before and after eating; before, during and after preparing food; and after feeding or touching a pet.

Sunday, September 30, 2018

Esplanade's $600,000 smile

The Ferry St entrance to the redeveloped Derwent Esplanade
at New Norfolk.
DEPUTY Prime Minister Michael McCormack has praised the redevelopment of New Norfolk's waterfront and says the Esplanade area should in future host more events and festivals thanks to the federally-funded upgrade.

In a statement, Mr McCormack said the Federal Coalition Government had worked in partnership with the Derwent Valley Council to deliver an important piece of infrastructure for the region.

“The revitalised Esplanade will create a more attractive destination for increasing visitors to the region and provide better public amenities and recreation facilities for the whole community to enjoy,” Mr McCormack said. The scheme included new toilets, playground equipment, walking tracks and lighting.

The deputy prime minister's statement followed an official opening last Friday morning, attended by the Federal Minister for Regional Services, Sport, Local Government and Decentralisation, Bridget McKenzie, Tasmanian Senators Eric Abetz, Jonathon Duniam and Steve Martin, and local councillors and election candidates.

Senator Duniam said the Derwent Esplanade was the largest open community space in the Derwent Valley. "The Esplanade has traditionally been the main hub for the community to come together for various social activities and sporting events. It’s great that we’ll now see more people getting out and involved along the waterfront,” he said.

Senator McKenzie, who is also the deputy leader of the National Party, noted that the area included a campground and swimming pool. “It’s so important for people of all ages to get active and this new precinct will encourage the whole community to get outside and enjoy nature while also improving their health,” she said.

Senator Martin said 30 jobs were supported during construction phase. “The new improvements will allow for greater outdoor recreational activity, with lighting, new play facilities and multi-use trails,” he said.

Derwent Valley mayor Martyn Evans said the revitalisation works had transformed and modernised the river waterfront area, enhancing the local character and ambience of New Norfolk and the Derwent River. "The Esplanade can now become a place for regular events and is a real asset to our community,” Cr Evans said.

The Derwent Valley Waterfront Revitalisation project was jointly funded with the Australian Government committing $600,000, and the Derwent Valley Council providing $76,659. The project will tie in with the neighbouring development that last week saw the demolition of a heritage-listed house to make way for a new rowing club.

Media Release: Candidate Wayne Shoobridge

Wayne Shoobridge
Press Release - September 29, 2018
Wayne Shoobridge, Candidate for Councillor and Deputy Mayor, Derwent Valley Council

Over the past few weeks of the campaign there have been numerous references to employment within the valley. The unemployment rate for our youth in Southern Tasmania is around 21.5%, and with all the discussion that we need to do something, I have put a proposal together and I will put it forward at the first Council meeting, if elected, as a
motion on notice.

Given that Councils are restricted as to how far they can become involved within employment issues, I would like to propose the following: That Council allocate the amount of $15,000 per annum from the Budget, to enable a Grant Allocation Fund for Small Business to be established.

This would enable three grants per annum of up to $5000 to be made to Small Business Owners within the Derwent Valley who employ local unemployed youth on a permanent basis for 30 hours plus a week and that employment would need to continue for 12 months. At the end of the 12 months period, a claim would be submitted and all claims for that year would be assessed. If more than three applications were received and qualified, then a ballot would take place.

There will be a criteria of course and my full proposal which will be tabled with the motion will need to be approved by Council and may be altered from what I submit. A committee will need to be formed as well. The above might not sound like much but it is a start. It is a plan and it is something we can build on. We need to take action. The time for talk is extinct. This plan not only addresses youth unemployment it also will assist and attract small business in the valley.

Written and authorised by Wayne Shoobridge, 47 Hobart Rd, New Norfolk 7140.

All candidates are invited to submit statements and photos for publication by emailing

When do you vote? Voting packs will start to be delivered on 8 October 8 and must be returned by 10am on October 30 for your vote to count. Full details about the council election process can be found here.

* Comments on this article are switched off as anonymous comments cannot be published during the election period. Have your say by emailing a Letter to the Editor. This must include your name and town for publication, and a phone number for verification.

Band's silver anniversary concert

Derwent Valley Concert Band members in Tuscany in 2015.
THE Derwent Valley Concert Band is about to celebrate its 25th anniversary with a gala concert at the Farrall Centre, at The Friends’ School, New Town, on October 13.

All five ensembles will be performing in the concert – the Brass Quintet, Marching Band, Development Band, Intermediate Band and Concert Band.

The master of ceremonies for the evening will be the globally recognised motivational speaker, international best-selling author and foundation band member (tenor horn), Sam Cawthorn. Sam grew up at Glenora and was named the Tasmanian Young Australian of the Year in 2009.

The anniversary program has been built around various high points in the band’s history, from the very first public performance in 1993, to international tours, the Danish Royal Wedding, state and national competitions and the commissioning of new music from Australian composers. Featured works will include Finger Lakes Festival March (Jerry Nowak), Andromeda Overture (Mark Williams), Nordic Suite (Pierre La Plante), Brigade of Guards (Alex Lithgow), Children’s March and The Lost Lady Found (Percy Grainger).

A highlight will be the Australian premiere of Mia Palencia’s song cycle, Pengertian Suite. This is a modern-day immigrant story which incorporates traditional Sabahan musical elements into a contemporary setting, arranged by Mark Buys. The work was commissioned especially for the DVCB tour to Malaysia during July this year where it was presented in four concerts, each time to great acclaim.

The band's founder and founding conductor Layton Hodgetts will make a return to the podium to conduct pieces with both the Intermediate and Concert Bands. Others with the baton will be Frances White, Andrew Castles, and the chief conductor Lyall McDermott.

The concert starts at 7pm. Refreshments will be available prior to the concert and supper will be served at the conclusion. Entry will be by donation.

Wednesday, September 26, 2018

Candidate statement: Phillip Bingley


After working in Local Government for 38 years and now retired, I have decided to stand for Council because I want to tackle two main issues: 1. Rates and 2. Roads.

I have become very frustrated with basic service providers like councils annually jacking up their rates above CPI and increasing the financial strain on ratepayers, particularly families and people on fixed incomes like pensioners. The CPI for Hobart for 2017 was 2.1% and yet our council increased this years rates by 5.8%. Enough is enough, we need to draw a line in the sand.

If elected I can assure all ratepayers that I will never support a rate increase in excess of CPI. I will also at the first meeting of the new Council move a motion that Council adopts a policy that all future rate increases can only be a maximum of CPI. That sends a clear message to Council management that they must restrain and prioritize spending to essential services i.e. good roads, streets and
foot paths, well maintained parks and sports grounds and a cost efficient waste management system.

In respect to roads, I will only support an annual budget provided there is an allocation of at least $250,000 to improve/seal roads in the Rural Residential areas of Lachlan, Molesworth, Magra, Black Hills, Glenfern, Granton and Karanja.

Authorised by Phillip Bingley, 730 Lachlan Rd, Lachlan 7140

All candidates are invited to submit statements and photos for publication by emailing

2018 council election timetable
  • Polling period .................... Monday, 8 October to 10am Tuesday, 30 October 2018
Full details about the council election process can be found here.

* Comments on this article are switched off as anonymous comments cannot be published during the election period. Have your say by emailing a Letter to the Editor. This must include your name and town for publication, and a phone number for verification.

Tuesday, September 25, 2018

Frost warning

Bureau of Meteorology

Frost Warning
for the Upper Derwent Valley forecast district

Issued at 8:26pm on Tuesday 25 September 2018.

Please be aware
Temperatures at ground level can be many degrees lower than those recorded by standard weather stations, especially in calm conditions with clear skies.
Frosts with temperatures down to -1 degrees are forecast for Wednesday morning in parts of the Upper Derwent Valley forecast district
No further warnings will be issued for this event.

Council candidates named

BELCHER, Paul Damien, of New Norfolk
BINGLEY, Phillip, of Lachlan
BROWNING, Luke, of Lawitta
COSGROVE, Jessica, of New Norfolk
EVANS, Martyn, of Magra
GRAHAM, James, of New Norfolk
HALL, Kristy, of Magra 
HILL, Matthew, of New Norfolk
LATHEY, Barry, of New Norfolk
LESTER, Chris, of Magra
NICHOLSON, Tony, of Lachlan
PEARCE, Frank, of New Norfolk
POWER, Rachel, of National Park
SALT, Anne, New Norfolk
SHAW, Ben, of Lawitta
SHOOBRIDGE, Wayne, of New Norfolk
TRIFFETT, Julie, of New Norfolk
WOODS, Natasha, of New Norfolk

BELCHER, Paul Damien
BINGLEY, Phillip
SALT, Anne

HILL, Matthew
POWER, Rachel
WOODS, Natasha

Candidate statement: Matthew Hill


I have lived in the Derwent Valley all my life and I am proud and passionate of where I live. I continue to be an active volunteer in the Derwent Valley community through many personal commitments.

I have a strong understanding of Local Government and it’s policies and procedures with over 15 years of experience.

I am committed to working to achieve:

Communication, community consultation and involvement - Respectful, accurate and open communication to and consultation with residents. Communication and consultation processes that are easy to understand, accessible, frequent and are relevant to age, gender and interests.

Supplying the best value for money services that meet demands of the community - Encouraging partnerships and collaboration between Council and community organisations leading to funding and improved services. As opposed to outsourcing of services, cash hand outs and unnecessary increases in rates, fees and charges.

Access to greater local employment and training opportunities - Encouraging greater use of local businesses, local economic growth and investment, and working with service providers to assist with addressing identified barriers to access employment and training.

Community safety - A long-term plan to co-ordinate community safety and crime prevention initiatives, and identify, prioritise and contribute to addressing safety issues at a local level.

Equal access - A long-term strategy for residents with disabilities to have equal access to facilities, services, programs and activities.

Positive ageing - A long-term strategy to support older residents to feel valued and respected for their knowledge, life experiences, skills, stories, history, creativity and wisdom.

Support for youth and children - Ethically and inclusively work with young people and children through providing low cost supportive activities and programs appropriate to age, gender and interests.

Recognising volunteers - Regular community recognition programs to acknowledge the value of the many unpaid and timeless efforts of volunteers in the Derwent Valley community.

Greater access to medical services - Advocating for greater mental health support services and other appropriate services.

Written and authorised by Matthew Hill, 109 Glebe Road, New Norfolk 7140

All intending candidates are invited to submit statements and photos for publication by emailing

2018 council election timetable
  • Nominations announced.... noon Tuesday, 25 September 2018
  • Polling period .................... Monday, 8 October to 10am Tuesday, 30 October 2018
Full details about the council election process can be found here.

* Comments on this article are switched off as anonymous comments cannot be published during the election period. Have your say by emailing a Letter to the Editor. This must include your name and town for publication, and a phone number for verification.

Sunday, September 23, 2018

Monday frost warning

Bureau of Meteorology


Frost Warning
for the North West Coast, Central North, Midlands, East Coast and Upper Derwent Valley forecast districts

Issued at 2:07 pm  on Sunday 23 September 2018.

Frosts with temperatures down to -2 degrees are forecast for Monday morning in parts of the North West Coast, Central North, Midlands, East Coast and Upper Derwent Valley forecast districts.

Please be aware 
Temperatures at ground level can be many degrees lower than those recorded by standard weather stations, especially in calm conditions with clear skies.

No further warnings will be issued for this event.

Save the date: Magra Quiz Night

Friday, September 21, 2018

Council reporting back this weekend

Click image to enlarge.
THE Derwent Valley Council's report-back sessions following its recent strategic planning community consultations will be held this weekend.

In late July, the council undertook more than 40 sessions in most parts of the municipality to gather community ideas and feedback for its new strategic plan. "Overwhelmingly, the people who attended asked if there would be an opportunity to report back on the progress of the plan," a spokesman said.

"Council is pleased to announce report-back sessions will be held throughout the community in September. This is a chance to come along and hear what others have said and see how the plan is moving forward."

The report-back sessions will be held at:
NEW NORFOLK: Social Rooms behind the council chambers, Circle St, Saturday, September 22, noon-1.30pm
MOLESWORTH: Molesworth Community Hall, 560 Molesworth Rd, Saturday, September 22, 2.30-4pm
LACHLAN: Lachlan Community Hall, 511 Lachlan Rd, Saturday, September 22, 5-6.30pm
WESTERWAY: Westerway Hall, Gordon River Rd, Sunday, September 23, 11.30am-1pm

Willow Court proposals to be assessed

Cr Anne Salt addressing the meeting.
TWO proposed developments at Willow Court will be the subject of further reports to the Derwent Valley Council in the coming months. Last night's council meeting noted proposals submitted by the Agrarian Kitchen and Crusader Homes, and asked general manager Greg Winton to enter discussions with the two developers and report back within 60 days.

The meeting heard that the Agrarian Kitchen proposes to move its Lachlan cooking school to Willow Court to be co-located with its successful restaurant there, and that Crusader Homes would like to establish a rum distillery on the historic site in central New Norfolk.

Earlier in the meeting, Councillor Anne Salt put forward a suite of motions based on suggestions from the Friends of Willow Court Special Committee, which she chaired for six years until its annual general meeting last week.

Cr Salt's proposals included a 120-day moratorium on all expressions of interest for Willow Court; development of a single Conservation Management Plan (CMP) to consolidate the multiple individual CMPs; and waiving of the $110 site opening fee for tours provided by the Friends of Willow Court. Cr Salt was applauded by her supporters but her three motions were unsuccessful.

Cr Salt declared a conflict of interest in her three motions but said she felt she did not need to leave the room as it was not a pecuniary interest. However, Cr Salt did leave the room during discussion of the proposals from the Agrarian Kitchen and the New Norfolk Distillery.

An amateur history and news site operated by the Willow Court History Group yesterday alleged that reporting of one of Cr Salt's motions "by the local media in the Derwent Valley" had left out important facts, and created negative discussion and personal attacks on social media. The writer did not specify which facts had been omitted and did not explain their group's reasons for copying and pasting the offending article onto their own Facebook page despite their previous concerns about breaches of copyright.

Wednesday, September 19, 2018

Council to meet at Granton

THIS month's Derwent Valley Council meeting will be held at the Granton Memorial Hall tomorrow (Thursday) night at 7pm. A community forum will be held beforehand, starting at 6.30pm, allowing the public to discuss matters of concern with the council in a relatively informal setting.

Copies of the council agenda will be available at the meeting and can also be downloaded from the council website here.

Sunday, September 16, 2018

Final flood watch

Bureau of Meteorology, Tasmania

Note: This Flood Watch is a "heads up" for possible future flooding and is NOT a Flood Warning.

Final Flood Watch for Huon and Derwent catchments

Issued at 10:20 am on Sunday 16 September 2018

By the Bureau of Meteorology, Hobart.

Flood Watch Number: 2

Flooding is no longer expected in the Huon and Derwent catchments. River rises are occurring at some locations in response to overnight rainfall.

In the 24 hours to 9am Sunday, widespread rainfall totals of 5 to 25 mm were observed.

No significant rainfall is expected during Sunday.

Strong and dangerous flows may be a hazard during Sunday.

Flooding is no longer expected in the following catchments: Huon and Derwent

Note: This Flood Watch is a "heads up" for possible future flooding and is NOT a Flood Warning. The Bureau of Meteorology does not provide a flood warning service for all of the catchments covered by this flood watch. For more information on the Flood Watch Service:

For the latest warnings see

For the latest rainfall and river level information see

For the latest weather forecast see

Flood Safety Advice:

FloodSafe advice is available at

Road closure information is available at

For emergency assistance call the SES on telephone number 132 500.

For life threatening situations, call 000 immediately.

Next Issue:

This is a final Flood Watch, no further watches will be issued for this event.

Derwent catchment on flood watch

Bureau of Meteorology, Tasmania

Note: This Flood Watch is a "heads up" for possible future flooding and is NOT a Flood Warning.

Initial Flood Watch for Huon and Derwent catchments

Issued at 2:58 pm on Saturday 15 September 2018

By the Bureau of Meteorology, Hobart.

Flood Watch Number: 1

Strong river rises are possible from late Saturday along tributaries in the south of the River Derwent catchment, such as Florentine, Styx, Tyenna and Plenty rivers, and along the Huon River.

A low pressure system is passing along the the south coast of Tasmania, with a vigorous west to southwesterly stream to follow Saturday afternoon. There is also a risk of thunderstorms.

Catchments are relatively wet.

Widespread rainfall totals of 15 to 25 mm are expected for the remainder of Saturday.

Isolated minor flooding is possible. Catchment specific warnings will be issued if and when required.

Strong and dangerous flows may be a hazard over the next couple of days.

Catchments likely to be affected include:

Huon River

Derwent River

Note: This Flood Watch is a "heads up" for possible future flooding and is NOT a Flood Warning. The Bureau of Meteorology does not provide a flood warning service for all of the catchments covered by this flood watch. For more information on the Flood Watch Service:

For the latest warnings see

For the latest rainfall and river level information see

For the latest weather forecast see

Flood Safety Advice:

FloodSafe advice is available at

Road closure information is available at

For emergency assistance call the SES on telephone number 132 500.

For life threatening situations, call 000 immediately.

Next Issue:

The next Flood Watch will be issued by 10am on Sunday 16 September 2018.

Saturday, September 15, 2018

Road weather alert

Bureau of Meteorology


Road Weather Alert for Tasmania
for the Upper Derwent Valley, North West Coast, Western, Central Plateau, Midlands, East Coast and South East forecast districts

Issued at 9:56pm on Saturday 15 September 2018.

Snow covered roads above 300 metres will make driving conditions dangerous during Saturday and Sunday in parts of the North West Coast, Western, Central Plateau, Midlands, East Coast, Upper Derwent Valley and South East forecast districts.

For information on any road closures, please contact your local council or the Police.

The next alert will be issued by 5am Sunday.

Junior football best and fairest awards

Back: Riley Blackaby, left, Bailey Wheeler, Sophie
Farrow and Charlie Lovell; front: Caden Donaghy,
and Ashley Harwood.
THERE was a big crowd to cheer on all the youngsters taking part in the New Norfolk Junior Football Club best and fairest vote count at the New Norfolk District Football Clubrooms on Friday last week.

The Under 12 boys’ count was a two-way tie, with Tyler Benson and Caden Donaghy each taking home the Lyn Harris Medal on 27 votes each, while Traye Triffett was runner-up with 19 votes.

Ashley Harwood was the inaugural winner of the David Banks Medal for the newly-formed Under 13 girls’ team with 21 votes. Felicity Bomford and Shianne Jones were runners-up on 15 votes.

STJFL Beakley Medallist Bailey Wheeler took out the Peter Birchall Medal in the Under 14 boys’ competition with 33 votes. Riley Blackaby was runner up on 27.

In the Under 17 girls it was another Beakley Medallist, vice captain Charlie Lovell who took out the Cathy Adams Medal with 37 votes. The Runner up was another future star, Sophie Farrow, on 32.

The inclusion of the Under 11 and Under 13 girls’ teams is another example of female football going from strength to strength. Well done to Colette Machin, who coached both of these sides. And congratulations to longtime junior football supporter David Banks on having the Under 13 girls’ best and fairest medal named in his honour.

NNJFC president and life member Chris Lovell was recently awarded life membership of the STJFL. Well done Chris, your contribution has been outstanding. Thank you to all committee members, coaches and officials on yet another season of junior footy.

Lastly, the NNJFC sends its condolences to the family of Peter Birchall who passed away recently. Peter was a former treasurer and tireless volunteer of the club who was made a life member along with his wife Rhonda. Peter also has the Under 14 best and fairest medal named in his honour. He will be sadly missed.

UNDER 12 BOYS - Lyn Harris Medal for best and fairest: Tyler Benson and Caden Donaghy. Runner-up: Traye Triffett. Coaches’ award: Logan Robinson. Most improved: Ethan Collins. Most consistent: Riley Triffett. Votes: Tyler Benson, Caden Donaghy 27, Traye Triffett 19, Riley Triffett 18, Harry Morgan 15, Baiden Triffett 14, Kyle Picken 11, Anthony Volta 10, Logan Robinson, Ethan Collins 7, Linkin Sutton 6, Ryan Bartels 4, Takoda George 3, Conner Mayne 3, Anthony Wakefield 2, Cale Browning 2, Kady Morgan, Rori Minton, Christian Spence, Brody Browning, Amber Rainbird 1.

UNDER 13 GIRLS - David Banks Medal for best and fairest: Ashley Harwood. Runners-up: Felicity Bomford and Shianne Jones. Coaches’ award: Jazmyn Bomford. Most improved: Madelyn Cantrell. Most consistent: Taliesha Keleher. Votes: Ashley Harwood 21, Felicity Bomford, Shianne Jones 15, Taliesha Keleher 14, Kady Morgan, Kia Keleher 12, Naomi Machin 11, Jazmyn Bomford 10, Isabel Hinds 9, Lily Cantrell, Christina Green, Caley Quillerat 5, Zahli Piuselli 1.

UNDER 14 BOYS - Peter Birchall Medal for best and fairest: Bailey Wheeler. Runner-up: Riley Blackaby. Coaches’ award: Ryan Coppleman and Brodie Scanlon. Most improved: Hayden Burns and Bailey Chaplin. Most consistent: Mitchel Hay. Best utility: Jakob Quarrell and Jack Miller. Best in finals: Riley Blackaby. Votes: Bailey Wheeler 33, Riley Blackaby 27, Mitchel Hay 26, Jacob Quarrell 21, Blake Triffett 18, Jack Miller 15, Hayden Burns 13, Brodie Scanlon 11, Bailey Chaplin 6, Ryan Coppleman 5, Logan Triffett 3, Liam Harwood, Tye Oakley 1.

UNDER 17 GIRLS - Cathy Adams Medal for best and fairest: Charlie Lovell. Runner-up: Sophie Farrow. Coaches’ award: Zoe Hoskinson, Stephanie Griffiths and Perri King. Best utility: Danika Triffett. Most consistent: Brianna Oates. Best in finals: Perri King. Top of the Town Bakery Rising Star Award: Perri King. Votes: Charlie Lovell 37, Sophie Farrow 32, Brianna Oates 26, Perri King 25, Madison Shaw 23, Zoe Hoskinson 14, Stephanie Griffiths 11, D’arne Triffett 5, Lucy Watson 3, Danika Triffett 2, Georgie Shaw, Jemma Foley 1.

50-GAME MILESTONES - UNDER 10s: Sebastian Farrow, Tylah Morgan, Bailey Morgan, Ronan Hunt. UNDER 11s: James Banks, Hemi Harwood, Jonte Bennett. UNDER 12s: Baiden Triffett, Riley Triffett, Logan Robinson, Traye Triffett, Anthony Volta. UNDER 14s: Logan Triffett, Cruez Brooks-Harwood.

Windy weather to ease tonight

Bureau of Meteorology

Severe Weather Warning


For people in Furneaux Islands, North East, East Coast, Midlands and parts of Western, Upper Derwent Valley, South East, Central North and Central Plateau Forecast Districts.

Issued at 4:52 pm Saturday, 15 September 2018.


Weather Situation: A low pressure system just off the southeast coast will move eastwards, causing strong and gusty west to southwesterly winds to gradually moderate.

DAMAGING WEST TO SOUTHWESTERLY WINDS, averaging 60 to 70 km/h with peak gusts of around 110 km/h are possible about parts of eastern, southern and central Tasmania, which will ease slightly this evening, though remain fresh and gusty overnight.

Locations which may be affected include Whitemark, St Helens, Swansea, Orford, Bothwell and Dover.

Severe weather is no longer occurring in the King Island and North West Coast districts and the warning for these districts is CANCELLED.

In the last 6 hours the strongest gusts reported were 141km/h Mt Wellington, 120km/h Cape Grim and Hartz Mountains, 113km/h Cape Bruny, 111km/h Low Rocky Point, 109km/h Cape Sorell, 107km/h Scotts Peak and 106 at Tasman Island.

The State Emergency Service advises that people should: 
* Supervise children closely. 
* Check that family and neighbours are aware of warnings. 
* Manage pets and livestock. 
* Secure outdoor items including furniture and play equipment. 
* Be prepared in case of power outages and report any outages to TasNetworks on 132 004. 
* Beware of damaged trees and power lines and take care when driving. 
* Listen to the ABC radio or check for further advice. 
* For emergency assistance contact the SES on 132500. 

The next Severe Weather Warning will be issued by 11pm Saturday.

Warnings are also available through TV and Radio broadcasts, the Bureau's website at or call 1300 659 216

Plan Image

About Severe Weather Warning Services