COVID-19 ADVICE: The following links provide official advice and information about the virus known as COVID-19.
Australia's state and federal governments are taking action to help slow the spread of COVID-19. Use the links above to source the latest advice about what you can do to protect yourself and others. Washing your hands for 20 seconds is one of the most effective forms of infection control. Do this after blowing your nose, coughing or sneezing; after close physical contact with anyone who is unwell; after using the toilet; before and after eating; before, during and after preparing food; and after feeding or touching a pet.

Tuesday, March 31, 2020

Messages from local school principals

Rachel Oldham in her Facebook video.
MESSAGES to local school communities have been posted on Facebook by the principals of two New Norfolk schools.

In the most recent, published yesterday, New Norfolk Primary School principal Rachel Oldham speaks directly to families who have started learning from home due to the coronavirus pandemic and encourages parents to contact the school about any requirements.

Addressing her students, Ms Oldham says she hopes they are working hard and being good to their families. "We wish you well over the next couple of weeks. Look after yourselves, be kind to one another, and maybe most importantly try to enjoy this time together."

Stuart Lord in his video.
In a video posted last week, New Norfolk High School principal Stuart Lord notes that this Friday, April 3, will be the last day of term for students following the announcement that the first four days of next week will be student-free days to enable staff to prepare packages to support learning at home.

Mr Lord says there have been no reported cases of COVID-19 in the school and he had been assured that he would be informed if there was. "I would tell the community immediately and our school would be closed down for cleaning and tracing," he said.

"In the meantime, please be mindful that commenting on rumours can cause unnecessary anxiety, and as we all know, there is enough to worry about already. None of us have lived through anything like this before, it is for us an unprecedented situation which is going to be difficult and challenging for the whole community.

"All of our staff ... have been working hard and will continue to do whether there are students here or not. I am incredibly proud of the way that they have been rising to meet the challenges which face us. I also want to be very clear that however things unfold from here we will not stop our work supporting students and supporting student learning. Let's take care of each other and do what we can to stay safe."

Checking in with our NNPS families that we haven't seen for a while 😊
Posted by New Norfolk Primary School on Sunday, March 29, 2020

A message from the Principal, Stuart Lord
Posted by New Norfolk High School on Thursday, March 26, 2020

Monday, March 30, 2020

What do the new restrictions mean?

Click image to enlarge.
THE State Government has introduced stricter self-isolation regulations as the state's tally of coronavirus infections increases. As of today there has been a total of 69 cases, including one death. A number have fully recovered.

The Director of Public Health today issued two directives tightening the requirements around self-isolating and banning public gatherings of more than two people. On-the-spot fines of $750 for individuals and $5000 for businesses may apply.


Under the new regulations, Tasmanians are directed to stay at home unless necessary. The State Government has issued the following explanatory notes:

Can I leave home? Tasmanians should stay at home unless they need to be away from home:
  •  shopping for supplies or services; or
  • undertaking personal exercise; or
  • attending medical, or health care, appointments or for medical treatment; or
  • providing social support, or care, to another person (including compassionate needs, or to facilitate shared custody, guardianship or care arrangements for another person); or
  • attending school or study, if unable to be performed at the person’s home; or
  • attending work, or volunteering, if unable to be performed at the person’s home; or
  • seeking veterinary services for an animal;
  • performing essential maintenance, or security inspections, of another premises owned, or occupied, by the person;
  • attending another location if you have a reasonable excuse to attend the location.

Should I be going to work? Yes you should but ensure that you follow the social distancing rules and if you can and agreed by your employer you should work from home. If you are sick, you must not attend your workplace. You must stay at home and away from others, except to seek medical treatment.

What are essential supplies? Food and other household supplies as well as pharmaceutical or medical supplies. Those things you may need for urgent home repairs or maintenance or getting your vehicle serviced or repaired. As long as the business is not a prohibited venue or service you may attend the business to shop for the supplies and services you need to keep your household running and care for members of your household.

What is a prohibited business, venue or service? Each of the premises listed in Schedule 1 must not open or be operated (eg. restaurants, cafes and food courts, with the exception of takeaway) whilst the Direction is in force. Each of the services listed in Schedule 2 must not be provided whilst the Direction is in force.

Should I be using public transport? Yes to attend school or work or obtaining supplies or attending medical, or health care, appointments or for medical treatment. Non-essential travel is to be avoided. Please observe social distancing when on public transport and if possible sit in the back seat of taxis and ride share vehicles.

How often can I go out to get supplies? As necessary - however it is suggested that you limit this to as few times per week as possible.

Should I still be sending my kids to school? Parents who are able to provide appropriate care for their children at home are encouraged to do so. However, schools will remain open to provide an education for those children that do attend, and will continue their work transitioning to a new operating model of providing support for home and online learning and for the support of essential service workers. Schools will remain open for the remainder of the first term, however students will only need attend until Friday 3rd of April as Monday 6th April to the 9th of April will be student free to enable schools and teachers to complete the professional learning required to finalise the delivery of a home and online model from the beginning of the new term post the holidays.

What about child care? Yes, if required, children can still attend childcare.

Should grandparents be looking after grandchildren? Tasmania’s elderly population is at a higher risk. Always keep elderly persons well away from any unwell children that are present in the household.  This does not mean grandparents cannot see grandchildren, but extra care should be taken to avoid any contact with someone that is unwell.

Can I still exercise outdoors? Yes, exercise is encouraged as an important part of maintaining a healthy lifestyle, however the 2 person rule outdoors applies, except if it is members of your household, custody or guardianship arrangements, exercising together.

Can I check on my neighbours? Yes you can provide support to your neighbours, but only 2 people may visit at any one time.

Can I take my kids to the park? Yes you can but you shouldn’t use the playground or exercise equipment.

Can I go to the post office? Yes collecting your mail is considered essential.

Can I go to my shack at Easter? No, you will not be able to go to your shacks for school holidays or for Easter, or at any time unless to conduct urgent maintenance or repairs or a day trip security check. Our shack communities are small, many are the place of choice for our older retired community and as is well understood retirees are older and more vulnerable.  By moving between your house and your shack you are creating a great risk for our community

What about families who share custody? Custody arrangements still need to be managed and adhered to, unless otherwise altered by mutual arrangements/agreements. Children can live at each partner’s home in line with custody arrangements.

What fines or penalties will be applied for non-compliance? There will be on-the-spot fines of $750 for individuals or $5000 for businesses for non-compliance of any COVID-19 directions.

Public Health Direction: Self isolation


Public Health Act 1997

I, MARK VEITCH, the Director of Public Health, in pursuance of section 16 of the Public Health Act 1997 ("the Act"), in order to manage the threat to public health posed by the notifiable disease known as COVID-19 ("the disease"), direct that commencing from 31 March 2020 -

(a) subject to any other law or legal instrument, and unless directed to self-isolate or quarantine under another direction under the Act, each person in Tasmania must remain in, or on, the person's primary residence unless the person leaves the primary residence for the purposes of -
(i) shopping for supplies or services that are lawfully operating while this direction is in force; or
(ii) undertaking personal exercise; or
(iii) attending medical, or health care, appointments or for medical treatment; or
(iv) seeking veterinary services, within the meaning of the Veterinary Surgeons Act 1987, for an animal; or
(v) providing social support, or care, to another person (including to attend to another person's compassionate needs, to facilitate shared custody, guardianship or care arrangements for another person), as long as all other relevant directions under section 16 of the Act are complied with; or
(vi) attending school or study, if unable to be performed at the person's primary residence; or
(vii) attending work, or volunteering, if unable to be performed at the person's primary residence; or
(viii) performing essential maintenance, or security inspections, of another premises owned, or occupied, by the person; or
(ix) attending another location if the person has a reasonable excuse, in the opinion of the Director of Public Health or his or her delegate, to attend the other location; and

(b) if a person leaves the primary residence of the person for a purpose referred to in paragraph (a)(iii), (iv), (v), (vi), (vii), (viii) or (ix) and is required to reside in a place other than that primary residence -
(i) the person must not stay in the other place for longer than is necessary to carry out that purpose; and
(ii) paragraph (a) applies to the other place as if it were the primary residence of the person; and

(c) in this direction -
(i) primary residence, of a person, means -
(A) if the person is not a permanent resident in Tasmania, or resides in Tasmania for a fixed period, the location in Tasmania where the person intends to lawfully reside while in Tasmania; or
(B) in any other case, the location in Tasmania where the person intends to reside until the declaration of the public health emergency in respect of the disease is revoked under the Act.

Dated: 30 March 2020
Signed: Mark Veitch, Director of Public Health

Public Health Direction: limiting mass gatherings


Public Health Act 1997

I, MARK VEITCH, the Director of Public Health, in pursuance of section 16 of the Public Health Act 1997 ("the Act"), in order to manage the threat to public health posed by the notifiable disease known as COVID-19 ("the disease"), direct that -

(a) each person who owns, controls or operates a premises specified in Schedule 1 in Tasmania must not open or operate the premises, including each outdoor space associated with the premises, commencing from 31 March 2020; and

(b) each person who provides a service specified in Schedule 2 in Tasmania must not provide the service commencing from 31 March 2020; and

(c) subject to paragraphs (a), (b) and (f), each person who owns, controls or operates premises in Tasmania must not allow the following gatherings to occur on the premises commencing from 31 March 2020:
(i) a gathering of three (3) or more persons in a single outdoor space at the same time;
(ii) a gathering of three (3) or more persons in a single indoor space at the same time; and

(d) subject to paragraph (f), a person must not -
(i) organise a gathering, specified in paragraph (c), on premises in Tasmania; or
(ii) attend a gathering, specified in paragraph (c), on premises in Tasmania; and

(e) paragraph (d) applies to all gatherings not specified in paragraph (f), whether the gathering -
(i) occurs with formal or informal arrangements; or
(ii) occurs on public or private premises; and

(f) a reference to a gathering in paragraph (c), (d) or (e) does not include the following gatherings:
(i) at an airport that is necessary for the normal business of the airport;
(ii) for the purposes of, or related to, public transportation, including in vehicles or at public transportation facilities such as stations, platforms and stops;
(iii) in a private vehicle;
(iv) in a large passenger vehicle operated as a passenger service within the meaning of the Passenger Transport Services Act 2011;
(v) on a ferry service or vessel service, operated between Australia, Tasmania or one or more islands, and each of the following is complied with in respect of each ferry or vessel operated by the service:(A) the ferry or vessel, and each premises on the ferry or vessel, complies with paragraphs (a) and (b);
(B) each person on the ferry or vessel complies with paragraph (g) while the person is on the ferry or vessel;
(C) each person on the ferry or vessel complies with paragraph (h) other than in accommodation in a fully enclosed space, such as a cabin, where the person has paid to sleep while on the ferry or vessel;(vi) at a medical or health service facility, including such part: of the facility used to provide physical rehabilitation services, that is necessary for the normal business of the facility;
(vii) for the purposes of emergency services;
(viii) at a disability or aged care facility that is necessary for the normal business of the facility;
(ix) at a prison, correctional facility, youth justice centre or other place of custody;
(x) at a court or tribunal;
(xi) at Parliament for the purpose of its normal operations;
(xii) at a supermarket, grocery store, retail store or shopping centre for the purpose of the normal business of those premises;
(xiii) at an office building, factory, mining site or construction site that is necessary for the normal operation of those premises;
(xiv) at a school, university, educational institution or childcare facility that -
(A) is necessary for the normal business of the facility; and
(B) in relation to a school, university or educational institution, does not involve members of the community other than the staff and students of the school, university or educational institution;
(xv) at an outdoor place where three (3) or more persons may be present for the purposes of transiting through the place;
(xvi) at a veterinary establishment, within the meaning of the Veterinary Surgeons Act 1987, if -
(A) the gathering is necessary for the normal business at the establishment; and
(B) each person on the establishment complies with paragraphs (g) and (h);
(xvii) at a premises operated for commercial or other purposes, other than premises specified in Schedule 1 or residential premises, if -
(A) the gathering is necessary for the normal business at the premises; and
(B) each person on the premises complies with paragraphs (g) and (h);
(xviii) at a premises where services are provided, other than the services specified in Schedule 2, if -(A) the gathering is necessary for the normal provision ofthose services; and(B) each person on the premises complies with paragraphs (g) and (h) while on the premises;
(xix) a gathering specified as exempt from these directions by the Director of Public Health, or the Deputy Director of Public Health,in writing;
(xx) a gathering delivered by an operator who has a social distancing policy approved by the Director of Public Health, or the Deputy Director of Public Health, in writing; and

(g) where safe and practicable, each person must maintain a distance of no less than 1.5 metres between the person and any other person; and

(h) in any gathering, the total number of persons present in any single undivided space, at the same time, must not exceed the number calculated by dividing the total area of the space used, as measured in square metres, by 4; and

(i) in this direction -
(i) gathering does not include -
(A) a gathering of persons if each member of that gathering ordinarily resides at the same private premises; or
(B) a gathering of persons for the purposes of facilitating shared custody arrangements, guardianship or other care arrangements; or
(C) persons at the premises for the purpose of maintaining, renovating or repairing the premises, or maintaining, renovating, installing, removing or repairing an item located at the premises; or
(D) persons at the premises for the purpose of delivering an item to, or removing an item from, the premises; or
(E) persons at the premises for the purpose of delivering medical, health, emergency or urgent legal services, or end of life support, to a person at the premises; and
(ii) indoor space means an area, room or premises that is, or are, substantially enclosed by a roof and walls, regardless of whether the roof or walls, or any part of the roof or walls, are permanent or temporary, or open or closed; and
(iii) outdoor space means a space that is not an indoor space; and
(iv) premises has the same meaning as in the Act; and

(j) if there is a dispute as to whether a service is essential for the purposes of this direction, the Director of Public Health may determine that dispute as the Director considers appropriate; and
(k) on 31 March 2020, the direction given by the Director of Public Health, given under section 16 of the Act on 27 March 2020 in respect of gatherings and premises, is revoked.

Dated: 30 March 2020
Signed: Mark Veitch, Director of Public Health

Schedule 1
1. All restaurants, cafes, food courts and workplace canteens, unless -
(a) the premises are being used to provide food or drink, or both, to be consumed at a location other than the premises; or
(b) the premises are being used to provide food or drink, or both, to employees, or contractors, within the premises and the food or drink is to be consumed at another location within the premises and each person at that location complies with paragraphs (g) and (h); or
(c) the premises are within a hospital, residential care home, homeless accommodation, school, prison, defence barracks or detention centre and the food or drink is to be consumed by the residents of those organisations.
2. All premises where alcohol is sold for consumption at those premises (including pubs, registered and licensed clubs and hotels) other than such part of those premises lawfully operated to provide alcohol for consumption at a location other than the premises.
3. All hotels, motels, hostels, bed and breakfasts, boarding houses, caravan parks, campsites, camping areas, homeless accommodation and other similar premises, except in relation to -
(a) workers, or contractors, employed or engaged in the operation of such premises; and
(b) current residents of such premises who predominantly reside at the premises on a permanent basis; and
(c) current residents of such premises who predominantly reside at the premises while their principal residence is unavailable, whether it is unavailable on a permanent or temporary basis, including where the residence is unavailable due to a border closure, or travel restriction, preventing the resident from returning to the principal residence; and
(d) other current residents of such premises, up until 11.59pm on 1 April 2020, unless the resident proves that the resident has booked travel on the first available flight or sailing after 11.59pm on 1 April 2020; and
(e) residents of such premises, who are residents -
(i) for the purposes of self-isolation or quarantine; or
(ii) while another person is using the resident's principal residence for self-isolation or quarantine; and
(f) residents of such premises who are residing at the premises due to the person performing duties that make the person a specified person under -
(i) the direction given in respect of the disease by the Director of Public Health on 20 March 2020 under section 16 of the Act; or
(ii) such other direction, given by the Director of Public Health under section 16 of the Act in respect of the disease, that
may replace the direction specified in subparagraph (i); and
(g) residents of such premises who -
(i) are residing at the premises for the purpose of employment or for compassionate reasons, including where the person requires emergency accommodation due to an emergency, family violence or vulnerability; and
(ii) have only travelled within Tasmania to get to the premises.
4 All residential rehabilitation premises that are providing treatment for addiction or mental health, except in relation to -
(a) operators, or workers or contractors, employed or engaged in the operation of such premises; and (b) residents of such premises.
5. All places of worship, religious gatherings, religious premises, and other similar premises, unless those premises are being operated -
(a) to perform a wedding, where -
(i) the total number of people present at the wedding does not exceed 5 persons; and
(ii) each person on the premises at the time the wedding is performed complies with paragraphs (g) and (h); or
(b) to perform a funeral, where -
(i) the total number of people present at the funeral does not exceed 10 persons; and
(ii) each person on the premises at the time the funeral is performed complies with paragraphs (g) and (h).
6. All cinemas, entertainment venues, casinos, gaming or other gambling venues, dance venues, night clubs, strip clubs, brothels and other similar premises.
7. All galleries, museums, national institutions, historic sites and other similar premises.
8. All concert venues, theatres, arenas, auditoriums, stadiums and other similar premises, unless used by performers for the purpose of live streaming and the persons in, or on, those premises during the livestream -
(a) do not exceed 5 persons; and
(b) comply with the requirements of paragraphs (g) and (h) whilein, or on, the premises.
9. All amusement parks, arcades, play centres, skate parks, playgrounds andother similar premises, regardless of whether the premises are an indoor space or an outdoor space.
10. All auction houses, other than premises used for the sale of livestock, food or other agricultural purposes.
11. All spas and massage parlours and other similar premises.
12 .All indoor and outdoor swimming pools, gymnasiums, health clubs, fitness centres, wellness centres (including yoga and barre premises), indoor venues used for sport or fitness, saunas, bath houses and other similar premises or venues, other than such part of the premises or venue used to provide physical rehabilitation services if -
(a) the rehabilitation services are provided by, or under the direction of, a registered health professional within the meaning of the Health Practitioner Regulation National Law (Tasmania); and (b) each person in that part of the premises complies with the requirements of paragraphs (g) and (h).
13. All community centres, neighbourhood houses, recreation centres, youth centres, community facilities, libraries and other similar premises, unless the premises are being used to provide essential voluntary, or public, services such as food banks or homelessness services.
14. All premises, and all parts of premises, owned or operated by a council of a municipal area if those premises, or parts of premises, do not provide essential voluntary, or public, services.
15. All zoos, wildlife centres, animal parks, petting zoos, aquariums, marine parks, animal or similar premises, except -
(a) in relation to operators, or workers or contractors, employed or engaged in the care or treatment of animals at the facility, performing an animal rescue function, or the general operation of such premises; and
(b) for the purposes of producing food or stock.

Schedule 2.
1. Subject to item 2 in this Schedule, the provision of religious gatherings, religious ceremonies, religious instruction, non-denominational ceremonies and other similar services and ceremonies, unless the services are lawfully provided remotely by electronic means.

2. The provision of wedding and funeral ceremonies and services -
(a) unless -
(i) in the case of a wedding, the total number of persons present does not exceed 5 persons; and
(ii) in the case of a funeral, the total number of persons present does not exceed 10 persons; and
(iii) in all cases, each person present complies with paragraphs (g) and (h); or
(b) unless the services are lawfully provided remotely by electronic means.

3. The provision of beauty therapy, tanning, waxing, manicure or other nail treatments, tattoos, ear and body piercing, body modification and other similar services.

4. The provision of hair and barber services, other than the provision of hair and barber services if paragraph (h) is complied with while the service is being provided.

5. The provision of real estate auctions and open home inspections, or other similar services, other than private home inspections of no more than 3 persons per inspection, unless the services are lawfully provided remotely by electronic means.

6. The provision of markets, whether held in an indoor space or an outdoor space, unless -
(a) that market is predominately for the provision of food; and
(b) the requirements of paragraphs (g) and (h) are complied with while the market is being provided.

7. The provision of boot camps, personal training and other exercise services, whether provided in an indoor space or an outdoor space -
(a) unless -
(i) the services are being provided in an outdoor space; and
(ii) the requirements of paragraphs (c), (g) and (h) are complied with while the service is being provided; or
(b) unless the services are lawfully provided remotely by electronic means.

8. The provision of social sports activities, or other exercise or activity-based gatherings, whether provided in an indoor space or an outdoor space, unless the services are lawfully provided remotely by electronic means.

Happy thoughts from NNPS

New Norfolk Primary School's Prep, Grade 1 and Grade 2 students worked on
this message for the community last week. It can be seen from the school's
Pioneer Ave entrance. School resumes today for the final week of lessons prior
to next week's student-free days leading up to the Easter holidays. The State
Government has given permission for students to be educated at home this week
and any parents doing so are asked to notify their school.

Sunday, March 29, 2020

Government advice: Stay at home unless necessary

Click image to enlarge.
Click image to enlarge.

Free buses for a fortnight

ALL bus services across Tasmania will be free-of-charge for the next two weeks following a decision to change to a cashless payment system to help reduce to spread of coronavirus. This includes Metro services and O'Driscoll Coaches' Derwent Valley Link.

The Department of State Growth has announced that all bus services are now cashless, with a fare amnesty applying until April 10 to allow passengers to obtain a smartcard or other cashless payment option. The changes affect public transport and school buses.

"Passengers without a smartcard should apply for one from their bus operator where available during this period," a spokesman said. "Free travel for the next two weeks is not an invitation to undertake additional travel, passengers should restrict themselves to essential journeys. Everyone is reminded that they must not use public transport if they are supposed to be in isolation or are unwell."

Students catching school bus services will be able to travel for free until this Friday, April 3. Derwent Valley Link has announced that all timetabled school bus and general access services will run as scheduled this week. "We will update our Facebook page as changes occur. To help us keep our passengers and our drivers safe, please do not travel if you are feeling unwell," a spokesman said.

For information about ordering a public transport smartcard, visit the Derwent Valley Link website.

Last golf results for a while

The scene in the New Norfolk Golf Club bar before social
distancing came into play last week.

COMPETITION golf has been cancelled in Tasmania as part of the effort to reduce the spread of the coronavirus pandemic. The most recent results from the New Norfolk Golf Club follow.

Wednesday 18/3/2020 Stroke
18 hole: A. Leitch 38 c/b, G. Hack 38, K. Horne 37 c/b, G. Smith 37, D. Post 36. Birdie draw: J. Hastie.
9 hole: A. Leitch 20 c/b, K. Horne 20, R. Hoare 19 c/b, P. Foster 19 c/b, K. Clark 19. Birdie draw: D. Post.

Social golf is still permitted as long as personal distances are adhered to in accordance with government recommendations. The clubhouse is no longer open for socialising but players can purchase salad rolls from a temporary service area.

Saturday, March 28, 2020

Lions Club news: Supporting the SES

State Emergency Service volunteer Alan Baker, left, Lions Club
member Margaret Bester with the new phone, and Rotary Club
president Matt Hill.
“CAN you hear me? How about now?” These are words that the Derwent Valley State Emergency Service hopefully never need to use again now that their new satellite phone has been installed.

This much-needed vital piece of equipment was purchased with donations from the Lions Club of New Norfolk, Derwent Valley Rotary Club, Craig Farrell MLC and Rebecca White MHA.

SES volunteers respond to many types of emergencies and provide assistance during severe storms and floods, in road crash rescue, search and rescue, and a range of other general rescue activities.

Many of us in the Derwent Valley have experienced the terrible telecommunications black spot areas. Until now, those numerous black spot areas in the vast region covered by the Derwent Valley SES have proved frustrating and sometimes delayed rescue efforts.

The new satellite phone will ensure that no matter where SES volunteers are working, they will be able to maintain important communications, saving time and probably lives.

An appreciation and demonstration function was held at the local SES headquarters on March 18. Lions Club members  Margaret Bester, Kerry Kievit, Denise Smith and Michael Kievit represented our club, while Lions Club president Troy Bester attended as a member of the SES. Matt Hill, president of the Derwent Valley Rotary Club, represented his organisation.

Lions Australia. We serve (more than sausages).

All local clubs and organisations are welcome to share their news. Email

Locals win southern cricket awards

New Norfolk cricketers Jason Rigby and
Rohan Heron received awards at the SCA
trophy night.
A NUMBER of players from Derwent Valley and Central Highlands clubs received awards at the Southern Cricket Association dinner and trophy presentations at Blundstone Arena on March 11.

The night was very well attended with almost every club represented. At least two players from each club received an award.

Big congratulations go to Molesworth’s Brayden Hodge who took out the second grade Player of the Year award. Three other big achievements were those of New Norfolk players Jason Rigby and Lisa East and Bothwell’s Joshua Eyles.

Rigby, who has been coach of the Red Caps for the past three seasons, was named coach of the SCA men’s team of the year. East was named in the women’s team of the year, and Eyles was named Young Player of the Year. All three players had performed very well over the course of the season and throughly deserved their awards. Congratulations to all winners from the night.

As well as the cancellation of the first grade grand final due to the coronavirus pandemic, I understand all or most clubs have postponed their trophy presentations. I’m sure as we all work through this unfortunate disease outbreak, the clubs will be able to reschedule these events which are always a great way to finish off a cricket season.

Next week, I will review the season that was, looking at all of our men’s, women’s and junior teams.


SCA TROPHY WINNERS (Roster Matches only)
First Grade
Player of the Year 
Rhett Lockyear (Old Beach) - 20 votes.
Ricky Martin (Claremont) - 18 votes.
Nathan Muir (Wellington) 14 votes.
Ian Callinan (Rokeby) - 11 votes.
Matthew Bowden (New Norfolk) - 10 votes.
David Kamaric (St Annes) - 10 votes.
Justin Wright (Rokeby) - 10 votes.

Second Grade
Player of the Year 
Winner: Brayden Hodge (Molesworth) - 15 votes.
Runners-up: Matthew Burns (Gretna) and Lyndon Fazackerley (Richmond/Cambridge) - 14 votes.
Benjamin Rainbird (Gretna) - 12 votes.
Bradley Coppleman (Molesworth) - 11 votes.

Best Batting Average: Rohan Heron (New Norfolk) - 54.67.
Best Batting Aggregate: Bradley Coppleman (Molesworth) - 525 runs.
Best Bowling Average: Stewart Rice (New Norfolk) - 25 wickets @ 11.9.

Fourth Grade
Player of the Year 
Winner: Jy Sullivan (Sandford) - 17 votes.
Runner-up: Brock Nichols (Bothwell) - 14 votes.
Cody Eyles (Bothwell) - 11 votes.
Nathan Price (Hobart) - 10 votes.
Joshua Eyles (Bothwell) - 10 votes.
Darren Lynch (Montagu Bay) - 10 votes.

Bowling Aggregate: Brock Nichols (Bothwell) - 28 wickets.
Most Catches by the Wicket Keeper: Darren Hawes (Bothwell) - 17 catches.
Fielder of the Year: Jamie Devine (Bothwell) - 11 votes.

Gretna's Zachery Crosswell.
Gretna's Adam Browning.
Fifth Grade
Player of the Year 
Winner: Milan Desai (Claremont) - 14 votes.
Runner-up: Zachery Crosswell (Gretna) - 12 votes.
Harney Burgess (Rokeby) - 11 votes; Darren Carew (Sorell) 10 votes; Michael Shiel (Claremont) - 9 votes; Adam Browning (Gretna) - 9 votes; Dwayne Wright (Rokeby) - 9 votes.

Best Batting Average: Zachery Crosswell (Gretna) - 77.8.
Best Bowling Aggregate: Adam Browning (Gretna) and Nathan Heron (New Norfolk) 25 wickets each.

Seventh Grade
Player of the Year
Winner: Mitch McPherson (Derwent) - 23 votes.
Runners up: Tristian Martin (Campania) - 14 votes.
Jack Evans (Molesworth) - 14 votes.
John Carson (Wellington) - 10 votes.
Ben Sinnitt (Campania) - 10 votes.
Nathan White (Bothwell) - 10 votes.
Jordan Kitchin (Derwent) - 10 votes.

Fielder of the Year: Ben Sinnitt (Campania) - 8 votes.
Runners-up: Robin Jones (Wellington) and Bo Kline (Bothwell) - 6 votes.

Association awards
SCA Young Player of the Year: Joshua Eyles.
SCA Umpire of the Year: Paul Doran and Andrew Smith.
SCA Life Membership: Geoff Jackson.

SCA Men's Team of  the Year: 1. Rhett Lockyear, Old Beach, Bat – 885 Runs – 68.07 Avg – 5 x 100 – 2 x 50 – HS = 195. Bowl – 86.1ov – 21 wickets – 5m – 15.28 Avg – 3.72 econ – BB=4/24; 2. Rick Martin, Claremont, Bat – 564 Runs – 43.4 Avg – 2 x 100 – 3 x 50 – HS = 112, Bowl – 122ov – 27 wickets – 21m – 17.4 Avg – 3.8 econ – BB=4/30; 3. Nathan Muir, Wellington, (wk) Bat – 635 Runs – 70.55 Avg – 2 x 100 – 5 x 50 – HS= 127, Catches – 15 Stumpings – 2; 4. Imtiaz Ahmed, Montagu Bay, Bat – 456 Runs – 45.6 Avg – 5 x 50 – HS = 70*; 5. Nathan Webb, Wellington, Bat – 409 Runs – 45.44 Avg – 1 x 100 – 2 x 50 – HS = 145; 6. Ian Callinan, Rokeby, Bat – 370 Runs – 46.25 Avg – 4 x 50 – HS = 72, Bowl – 83.3ov – 13 wickets – 10m – 23.9 Avg – 3.73 econ – BB=3/22; 7. Jade Clay, Old Beach, Bat – 369 Runs – 46.12 Avg – 1 x 100 – 1 x 50 – HS = 126*, Bowl – 71.1ov – 15 wickets – 8m – 24.26 Avg – 5.11 econ – BB=3/41; 8. Sean Farrelly, Wellington, Bowl – 73.1ov – 16 wickets – 7m – 16.93 Avg – 3.70 econ – BB=6/26, Bat – 224 Runs – 28 Avg – 2 x 50 – HS = 76; 9. Ashley Burgess, Wellington, Bowl – 74ov – 19 wickets – 10m – 15.31 Avg – 3.93 econ – BB=3/13 Bat – 172 Runs – 24.6 – 1 x 50 – HS = 67; 10. Phil Curran, Wellington, Bowl – 68ov – 18 wickets – 13m – 14.5 Avg – 3.83 econ – BB = 7/38; 11. Shane Bradford, Claremont, Bowl – 106.5ov – 21 wickets – 11m – 19.14 Avg – 3.77 econ – BB=3/32; 12th Man, Matthew Carr, Claremont, Bowl – 95.5ov – 21 wickets – 9m – 25.1 Avg – 5.5 econ – BB = 4/48.

Coach of the Year: Jason Rigby (New Norfolk).
Umpires for Team of the Year - Paul Doran and Andrew Smith.

Player of the Year
Winner: Natalie Smedley (Wellington) - 18 votes.
Runner up: Jessica Giffard (Montagu Bay) - 11 votes.
Genevieve Peterson (St Annes) - 10 votes.
Natalie Downton (Wellington) - 9 votes.
Kirsten Allen (Montagu Bay) - 9 votes.

Fielder of the Year 
Natalie Smedley (Wellington) - 10 votes.
Leisa Pearce (Bothwell) - 8 votes.
Lisa East (New Norfolk) - 6 votes.

SCA Women's Team of the Year         
Lisa East (New Norfolk CC)
Nat Downton (WCC) Captain
Natalie Smedley (Wellington CC)
Jessica Gill (Montagu Bay CC)
Genevieve Peterson (St Annes CC)
Sharni Browning WK (Montagu Bay CC)
Kirsten Allen (Montagu Bay CC)
Grace Lovell (North Huon CC)

Vegetation fire reported at Glenfern

WITH local temperatures still exceeding 25 degrees this afternoon, the Tasmania Fire Service is responding to a report of a vegetation fire at Glenfern.

A light tanker and heavy tanker have been dispatched to respond to the incident, which was reported at 5.18pm.

6PM UPDATE: The Glenfern incident was reported as closed at 5.48pm. Other vegetation fires have been reported at Meadowbank Dam Rd, Gretna (5.27pm) with a heavy tanker responding, and at Lanes Tier Rd, Ouse (4.08pm), where two heavy tankers and two light tankers are on the scene.

9PM UPDATE: The Ouse fire incident was reported as closed at 8.06pm and the Gretna fire at 8.17pm.

Friday, March 27, 2020

New food options on the table during corona crisis

Some of the produce available at a recent
New Norfolk Market in High St.
IN addition to the good service being offered by New Norfolk's three supermarkets under the difficult circumstances of the coronavirus COVID-19 pandemic, new fresh food options are now on the table.


New Norfolk Market operator Jessica Cosgrove has announced that a food market will operate in High St on Saturdays from 8am-noon, selling fresh fruit, vegetables, seafood and local produce. Ms Cosgrove said the regular market remained in recess due to the COVID-19 pandemic, but it was possible to conduct a food market in accordance with government advice.

"I will be overseeing and enforcing social distancing, and have organised a layout which complies with government regulations," Ms Cosgrove said, adding that this was a voluntary effort aimed at supporting local producers and customers. Sellers will not be charged for stall space.

The following rules will apply to shopping at the High St food market between Charles and Stephen streets):
  • Single shoppers only (no groups except carers);
  • No gathering, simply shop and then head home;
  • You must sanitise; 
  • Maintain social distancing of 1.5 metres; 
  • If you touch produce you must purchase; 
  • If you are sick, stay at home.
The New Norfolk Distillery and Eleventh Order Brewery have teamed-up to open the New Norfolk Popup Providore, a temporary shop and online ordering system providing a range of products from various suppliers. The shop is in the Eleventh Order premises at 7 High St and the various products can be viewed and ordered online.

The Lachlan River Co-op will stage a drive-through vegetable stall at 90 Ring Rd, New Norfolk, between 8am and 2pm tomorrow (Saturday) and will consider additional days depending on the demand. Organiser John Blegg said there would be no need for customers to leave their cars. On offer will be sweet potato, cauliflower, leeks, parsnips, silverbeet, brown onions, carrots, broccoli, bananas, cabbage, lemons, kennebec potatoes, Dutch cream potatoes, swedes and Kent pumpkin.

What is is open, closed or changed in the Derwent Valley due to COVID-19? SEE THE LIST now with more than 190 listings. Send updates, additions and corrections to
  • To help stop the spread of coronavirus, stay 1.5 metres away from others where possible, wash your hands regularly for at least 20 seconds with soap and water, avoid touching your face and if sick, stay home. Read more.
  • Non-essential gatherings of more than 10 people are banned. Read more.
  • There are restrictions on visitors to residential aged care facilities to protect older Australians. Check with individual facilities for further information.
Advice about where to find official information about COVID-19 appears at the top of the New Norfolk News homepage, including general advice about helping to reduce the spread of the virus. The best information is sourced from: World Health OrganisationAustralian Government Department of Health; and the Tasmanian Government Department of Health.

Washing your hands for 20 seconds is one of the most effective forms of infection control. Do this after blowing your nose, coughing or sneezing; after close physical contact with anyone who is unwell; after using the toilet; before and after eating; before, during and after preparing food; and after feeding or touching a pet.

Thursday, March 26, 2020

Derwent Valley Council offices close

THE Derwent Valley Council offices in Circle St, New Norfolk, will be temporarily closed to the public from 5pm today (Thursday) as a preventative measure against the spread of coronavirus COVID-19.

In a statement on Facebook, the council says it intends to reduce the number of face-to-face interactions with the community to protect its staff and their ability to carry out ongoing essential services. "Please be assured we are closing our doors only, not our services," a spokesman said.


How to contact the council:
  • If you have a service request, call 6261 8500 or email 
  • Pay your rates via BPAY, over the phone or complete the deposit slip on your rates notice and drop into the mail slot with your cash or cheque for payment.
  • View Development Applications on the council website under Public Notices.
  • Council staff will still be mowing lawns, catching stray dogs and servicing public toilets. 
  • The Peppermint Hill tip is still open for now, but the Tip Shop is closed.
  • The Valley Children’s Centre is open and providing care for children of those who need to work.
  • Make an appointment to talk to the council’s Planner or Environmental Health Officer. 
"So, even though our doors are closing for now, there are still plenty of ways we will continue to serve our community. Stay inside, stay safe," the spokesman said.

What is is open, closed or changed in the Derwent Valley due to COVID-19? SEE THE LIST now with more than 170 listings. Send updates, additions and corrections to
  • To help stop the spread of coronavirus, stay 1.5 metres away from others where possible, wash your hands regularly for at least 20 seconds with soap and water, avoid touching your face and if sick, stay home. Read more.
  • Non-essential gatherings are suspended. Read more.
  • There are restrictions on visitors to residential aged care facilities to protect older Australians. Check with individual facilities for further information.
Advice about where to find official information about COVID-19 appears at the top of the New Norfolk News homepage, including general advice about helping to reduce the spread of the virus. The best information is sourced from: World Health OrganisationAustralian Government Department of Health; and the Tasmanian Government Department of Health.

Washing your hands for 20 seconds is one of the most effective forms of infection control. Do this after blowing your nose, coughing or sneezing; after close physical contact with anyone who is unwell; after using the toilet; before and after eating; before, during and after preparing food; and after feeding or touching a pet.

Wednesday, March 25, 2020

Frost weather warning

Frost Warning
for the Upper Derwent Valley and South East forecast districts

Issued at 8:36pm on Wednesday 25 March 2020.

Frosts with temperatures down to 0 degrees are forecast for Thursday morning in parts of the Upper Derwent Valley district, and parts of the South East forecast district south of Hobart.

Please be aware: temperatures at ground level can be many degrees lower than those recorded by standard weather stations, especially in calm conditions with clear skies.

No further warnings will be issued for this event.

Expanded restrictions on public gatherings

MUSEUMS, galleries and beauty salons will be the next businesses to temporarily close their doors as Australia's state and federal governments tighten the rules around social interaction in the effort to slow the spread of coronavirus COVID-19.

Hairdressers and barbershops will remain open but will have to follow enhanced physical distancing rules including limited appointment times of 30 minutes or less. 


Prime Minister Scott Morrison announced the expanded restrictions last night after the latest meeting of the "national cabinet" consisting of himself and the state and territory premiers and chief ministers.

Australians will now be banned from travelling overseas during the pandemic, and businesses such as beauty, tanning and nail salons; spa, tattoo and massage parlors; and galleries and museums; will all be forced to close from midnight tonight (Wednesday). Allied health services remain open.

Auction sales, real estate auctions and open homes will be banned and shopping centre food courts will only be allowed to serve takeaways, in line with existing restrictions on cafes. 

Concert venues, theatres, arenas, auditoriums and stadiums must also close tonight, joining cinemas, nightclubs, casinos, gaming and gambling venues, and adult entertainment venues. Amusement parks, arcades, and indoor and outdoor play centres must also close, along with community and recreation centres, fitness centres, yoga, barre, spin facilities, saunas, bathhouses and wellness centres, social sporting-based activities and swimming pools. Personal training and fitness bootcamps will be limited to 10 people.

Also closing are galleries, museums, national institutes, historic sites, libraries, community centres, youth centres, local government non-essential facilities, community halls, clubs, RSLs, PCYCs.

Mr Morrison announcing the restrictions on weddings and
funerals last night.
Places of worship were closed in the first round of restrictions and Mr Morrison said very difficult decisions had been made last night about weddings and funerals.

"Weddings continue to be conducted where it is just the couple, the celebrant and the witnesses. That's no more than five people, and the four square-metre rule has to be observed within the venue in in which that's taking place," he said. 

"Large gatherings for weddings, sadly, won't be possible under these new arrangements. And sadly, also - and I know this will be very difficult - funerals [are limited to] no more than 10 persons, observing the rules around four square-metre social distancing practices," Mr Morrison said.

"Particularly on these types of activities, this is not an easy decision. Where we have already found some of the events that have been major transmitting events, it has been exactly these types of events, particularly weddings, and that is why regretfully we have to be able to put these arrangements in place," he said.

Schools remain open and will be expected to re-open for Term II after the Easter holidays. 

What is is open, closed or changed in the Derwent Valley due to COVID-19? SEE THE LIST now with more than 140 listings. Send updates, additions and corrections to
  • To help stop the spread of coronavirus, stay 1.5 metres away from others where possible, wash your hands regularly for at least 20 seconds with soap and water, avoid touching your face and if sick, stay home. Read more.
  • Non-essential gatherings are suspended. Read more.
  • There are restrictions on visitors to residential aged care facilities to protect older Australians. Check with individual facilities for further information.
Advice about where to find official information about COVID-19 appears at the top of the New Norfolk News homepage, including general advice about helping to reduce the spread of the virus. The best information is sourced from: World Health OrganisationAustralian Government Department of Health; and the Tasmanian Government Department of Health.

Washing your hands for 20 seconds is one of the most effective forms of infection control. Do this after blowing your nose, coughing or sneezing; after close physical contact with anyone who is unwell; after using the toilet; before and after eating; before, during and after preparing food; and after feeding or touching a pet.

Tuesday, March 24, 2020

Great season for New Norfolk juniors

New Norfolk Under-13 cricket team. Click image to enlarge.
IT'S been another successful season for the New Norfolk Junior Cricket Club. We had 17 kids play their first season of cricket and each and every one of the 24 boys we had playing improved a lot.

My philosophy as a coach this season was to not worry about wins and losses and just try to improve and have fun and everyone did that. I’ve been coaching cricket for five seasons and this was my favourite because everyone just loved cricket.

Seeing the genuine happiness on the boys faces when they did something they were proud of was a joy for me. Despite not “winning” many games, the kids never once gave up. They played as a team, which was fantastic.

I can’t speak highly enough of how much potential a lot of these boys have in the future and I believe the Derwent Valley is incredibly lucky to have so many fine young citizens coming through.

I can’t wait to watch these kids continue to develop their cricketing skills in the future and hopefully they have a whole community as proud of them as I am.

  • Rising Star Award: Zayne Field and Tyler Benson.
  • Runner Up: Bobby Nossiter and Hamish Edwards.
  • Teammate of the year: Cooper Gleeson and Liam Maw.
  • Most Improved: Fearghus Joyce and Haiden Smith.
  • Coaches Award: Kobe Strong and Oliver Rhodes.

Congratulations to all of the boys that won trophies and to everyone else for the awesome season.

NNJCC coach and junior development officer

PHOTO: New Norfolk Under 13s 2019/20
Back row from left: Wade Gleeson, Hamish Edwards, captain Tyler Benson, coach Josh Walsh, vice cpatain Logan Hunt, Oliver Rhodes and Liam Maw.
Third row: Connor Mayne, Zayne Field, vice captain Frankie Jones, Noah Evans, Riley Beverley, Haiden Smith, and coach Todd Jarvis. 
Second row: Caleb Duckett, Zavier Lowry, Cooper Gleeson, captain Bobby Nossiter, Fearghus Joyce, Ruben Strong and Hayden Turner.
Front row: Chance Hyland, Steele Quarrell, Callan Barry, Judah Topping, Reuben Topping and Kobe Strong.

Sunday, March 22, 2020

Pubs, clubs, gyms, cinemas, churches to close

PUBS, clubs, gyms, entertainment venues, cinemas, casinos and churches throughout Australia will close at noon tomorrow (Monday) and remain closed for at least six months as the state and federal governments ramp up national efforts to limit the spread of coronavirus COVID-19.

Prime Minister Scott Morrison tonight announced the following increased restrictions to take effect at noon on Monday, March 23:
  • TO CLOSE: Registered and licenced clubs; licensed areas in hotels and pubs; gyms; indoor sporting venues; entertainment venues; nightclubs; cinemas; casinos; churches.
  • REMAINING OPEN: Bottleshops including those attached to hotels; supermarkets; petrol stations; and the accommodation section of hotels. Schools remain open and funerals must comply with social distancing rules. Home deliveries remain open.
  • LIMITED TO TAKEAWAYS: Restaurants and cafes.

What is is open, closed or changed in the Derwent Valley due to COVID-19? SEE THE LIST now with more than 100 listings. Send updates, additions and corrections to
  • To help stop the spread of coronavirus, stay 1.5 metres away from others where possible, wash your hands regularly for at least 20 seconds with soap and water, avoid touching your face and if sick, stay home. Read more.
  • Non-essential mass gatherings are banned for groups of more than 500 people outdoors, or more than 100 indoors. Read more.
  • There are restrictions on visitors to residential aged care facilities to protect older Australians. Check with individual facilities for further information.
Advice about where to find official information about COVID-19 appears at the top of the New Norfolk News homepage, including general advice about helping to reduce the spread of the virus. The best information is sourced from: World Health OrganisationAustralian Government Department of Health; and the Tasmanian Government Department of Health.

Washing your hands for 20 seconds is one of the most effective forms of infection control. Do this after blowing your nose, coughing or sneezing; after close physical contact with anyone who is unwell; after using the toilet; before and after eating; before, during and after preparing food; and after feeding or touching a pet.

Gretna Cricket Club players' awards

WELL done to Mathew Burns who won the Gretna Cricket Club's first division players' award vote count that was held last Sunday. Burns, a club veteran who has now won the award four times, won with 22.5 votes, four votes ahead of Aaron Maddox on 18.5.

In the second division, well done to Zac Crosswell with 15.5 votes, who won by half a vote over Bailey Wheeler on 15. Congratulations to all winners and runners up in both Gretna I and Gretna II.

Gretna I: Mathew Burns 22.5 votes, Aaron Maddox 18.5, Ben Rainbird 16, Craig Cunningham 13, Corey Ransley 9.5, Jackson Ackerly 6.5, Rhys Browning 5, Marc Worldon 4.5, Jamie Duggan 2.5, Trent Grant 2.
Gretna II: Zac Crosswell 15.5 votes, Bailey Wheeler 15, Adam Browning 13, Ross Langford 10, Jake Campbell 5.5, Ben Rainbird 5, Tommy Allcock 5, Corey Ransley 3, Josh Whitford 3, Trent Grant 2.5, Marc Worldon 2, Jordan Hastie 2, Brian Smith 1.5, Dylan Grant 1.

New Norfolk golf results

One of the greens at the New Norfolk Golf Course.
New Norfolk Golf Club

Saturday 21/3/20 Tony Henricks Memorial Stableford
Division 1: L. McKenzie 37 c/b, J. Wilton 37 c/b, B. Withers 37 c/b, L. Griffith 37, A. Richardson 36.
Division 2: A. Watts 37 c/b, G. Bailey 37, D. Armstrong 35 c/b, P. Foster 35 c/b, N. Smith 35.
Division 2: R. Hodge 40, M. Heron 37, D. Martin 34 c/b, I. Welsh 34, K. Clark 33.
Eagle on the 16th: A. Lowe.
Longest drive - A and B divisions: D. Stevenson; C division: P. Harris.
Nearest-the-pins: 3rd: J. Miller; 6/15th J. Miller; 8/17th: T. Lowe; 11th R. Hodge.
Superpin: T. Lowe.

Thursday 19/3/20 Unofficial Twilight Stableford
Division 1: I. Holthouse 22, F.  Carmichael 21, J. Miller 20, T. Lowe 18, S. Ackerly 18 c/b.
Division 2: N. Smith 20, A. Watts 19, D. Lowry 18 c/b, D. Watts 18, M. Smith 17.
Division 3: D. Pursell 20 c/b, M. Heron 20, B. Rice 19, R. Hodge 18 c/b, D. Giles 18.
Superpin: R. Rainbird.

Wednesday 18/3/2020 Stroke
18 hole: P. Wilton 76-8-68 c/b, J. Broadhead 95-27-68 c/b, G. Smith 78-10-68, D. Armstrong 83-14-69 c/b, G. Hack 76-7-69 c/b. Birdie draw: P. Wilton.
9 hole: G. Smith 37-5-32, J. Broadhead 46-13 ½-32 ½, K. Clark 44-10-34 c/b, D. Watts 43-9-34 c/b, A. Leitch 43-9-34. Birdie draw: J. Kinloch.

The New Norfolk Golf Club is open for meals from 5-8pm on Thursdays and 4-6pm on Fridays. All welcome. Inquiries: 0437 801 495.

Anyone interested in joining the club as a playing member (there are clubs and buggies for hire), as a social member, or looking for a function venue, is welcome to contact the club for further information:
1 Howell Drive, New Norfolk, Tasmania. Phone: (03) 6261 2653
The club is available for hire for private functions.  The venue cost is free for a function of more than 40.

Saturday, March 21, 2020

Red Caps celebrate first grade premiership

New Norfolk I players with the SCA first-grade shield.
NEW Norfolk's first grade cricketers have today celebrated the day on which they should have contested the Southern Cricket Association grand final.

Instead, with the decider cancelled due to concerns about the spread of coronavirus COVID-19, the team gathered at Tynwald Park for a low-key medal presentation.

The SCA decided earlier in the week that the match between New Norfolk and Wellington would not be rescheduled and the premiership was awarded to New Norfolk I by virtue of it having finishing on top of the ladder.

Club president Jamie Hill encouraged his players to enjoy the win, even though they may be disappointed about the circumstances. "We finished on top, we won the first grade T-20 flag [and] second grade was lucky enough last weekend to win the flag as well," he said.

Jamie Hill and Matthew
Bowden tapping feet.
"It was probably one of the more dominant seasons from a club point of view so I just want you to enjoy the day like we did win the game because we deserve it, finishing a game and a half on top of the ladder," he said.

Team captain Matthew Bowden presented premiership medals to the players, who adopted the low-contact foot-tap instead of shaking hands. Hill presented Bowden with his medal and named Jason Rigby as man-of-the-match.

Echoing Hill's remarks, club coach Rigby said no-one at the start of the season would have thought New Norfolk would win the first and second grade titles. "It's a massive effort... I don't know if that's been done before," he said.