COVID-19 ADVICE: The following links provide official advice and information about the virus known as COVID-19.
Australia's state and federal governments are taking action to help slow the spread of COVID-19. Use the links above to source the latest advice about what you can do to protect yourself and others. Washing your hands for 20 seconds is one of the most effective forms of infection control. Do this after blowing your nose, coughing or sneezing; after close physical contact with anyone who is unwell; after using the toilet; before and after eating; before, during and after preparing food; and after feeding or touching a pet.

Monday, March 30, 2020

Public Health Direction: Self isolation


Public Health Act 1997

I, MARK VEITCH, the Director of Public Health, in pursuance of section 16 of the Public Health Act 1997 ("the Act"), in order to manage the threat to public health posed by the notifiable disease known as COVID-19 ("the disease"), direct that commencing from 31 March 2020 -

(a) subject to any other law or legal instrument, and unless directed to self-isolate or quarantine under another direction under the Act, each person in Tasmania must remain in, or on, the person's primary residence unless the person leaves the primary residence for the purposes of -
(i) shopping for supplies or services that are lawfully operating while this direction is in force; or
(ii) undertaking personal exercise; or
(iii) attending medical, or health care, appointments or for medical treatment; or
(iv) seeking veterinary services, within the meaning of the Veterinary Surgeons Act 1987, for an animal; or
(v) providing social support, or care, to another person (including to attend to another person's compassionate needs, to facilitate shared custody, guardianship or care arrangements for another person), as long as all other relevant directions under section 16 of the Act are complied with; or
(vi) attending school or study, if unable to be performed at the person's primary residence; or
(vii) attending work, or volunteering, if unable to be performed at the person's primary residence; or
(viii) performing essential maintenance, or security inspections, of another premises owned, or occupied, by the person; or
(ix) attending another location if the person has a reasonable excuse, in the opinion of the Director of Public Health or his or her delegate, to attend the other location; and

(b) if a person leaves the primary residence of the person for a purpose referred to in paragraph (a)(iii), (iv), (v), (vi), (vii), (viii) or (ix) and is required to reside in a place other than that primary residence -
(i) the person must not stay in the other place for longer than is necessary to carry out that purpose; and
(ii) paragraph (a) applies to the other place as if it were the primary residence of the person; and

(c) in this direction -
(i) primary residence, of a person, means -
(A) if the person is not a permanent resident in Tasmania, or resides in Tasmania for a fixed period, the location in Tasmania where the person intends to lawfully reside while in Tasmania; or
(B) in any other case, the location in Tasmania where the person intends to reside until the declaration of the public health emergency in respect of the disease is revoked under the Act.

Dated: 30 March 2020
Signed: Mark Veitch, Director of Public Health

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