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Monday, March 19, 2012

Fire aftermath

CENTRAL High St remains closed to traffic tonight following this morning's fire in the building that housed three New Norfolk businesses. A security guard is on duty overnight and the building was still smouldering earlier this evening.

Pedestrians still have access to shops in the area but the High St/Burnett St junction remains closed to traffic. Fences and barriers are in place.

ABC News tonight reported that the fire had caused damage estimated at more than $1 million and the 99-year-old building was likely to be demolished.

More from ABC News here

TUESDAY UPDATE: The Mercury's report here. 

The scene in High St at twilight tonight


  1. A sad day for New Norfolk, with a true piece of it's history lost.....

    J.F. Lee & Sons (1914 - 1955)

    Built in circa 1913/14 for J.F. Lee and sons and used as a drapery and footwear business.

    Palfreymans (1955 - 1961)

    The building was purchased in 1955 by Palfreymans who moved from their smaller store at 21 Burnett Street.

    G.P. Fitzgeralds (1961 - 1995)

    Fitzgeralds bought out Palfreymans in 1961 and traded on both levels for nearly 35 years.

    Harris Scarfe (1995 - July 2000)

    Harris Scarfe, a SA based retail chain, purchsed Fitzgeralds in 1995. Maintaining their retail store at New Norfolk until 2000.

    Various Stores (2000 - 19/03/2012)

    Broken into three shop fronts, the location has housed a number of stores, including: Skinnys Food Market, The Country Cupboard, Toys & Tools, A1 Real Estate, Sintonic, Choo Chew, and Banjo's.

  2. Wonderful research, thank you Speedy. A sad day for us all.

    1. PS: historical photos welcomed at

  3. We recently travelled though many small towns in WA. I noticed that most highly valued their history, and went to great pains to preserve it and present it. Why can't that happen here. It just requires a bit of imagination.

  4. In reply to johnd, Mar 19.
    Sounds so easy, perhaps they have a state government that is committed to the community’s they purport to represent.
    Same goes for the council, maybe if the community started making more noise they may start to listen, interesting to see the libs are quiet on the issue, are you out there Michael.
