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Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Reader's letter: the Business Alliance

SOME news in regard to what the New Norfolk Business Alliance has been doing in recent times and promotions planned for the near future. For people who do not know, this group promotes New Norfolk and district with funds raised via a levy on the business operators within the CBD of New Norfolk plus matching funds from the Derwent Valley Council.

Through the month of December a television advertisement was run on a number of stations encouraging the public to shop in New Norfolk. Through January and February a broader television advertisement promoted the Derwent Valley as a great place to live or visit. Now through March our generic television advertisement will again be run, with the inclusion of a banner mentioning the Derwent Valley Autumn Festival due on the New Norfolk Esplanade on April 1.

Finally and for the first time we are trying some "street music" in New Norfolk to add some musical interest for locals and visitors. The first street music performance by Les Coq Incroyables will be outside the post office in New Norfolk from 10am to 1pm on Saturday, March 24, followed by other performances from 10am-1pm on April 14, 21 and 29.

The performance on April 14 will also be accompanied by a mini-festival with even more music on Arthur Square. This mini-festival is being arranged by Jaala Lacey.

New Norfolk Business Alliance


  1. New Norfolk could be so nice!March 8, 2012 at 8:54 PM

    No offence Ray, but until the Council pulls its head out of its backside and spends some money on the town to enhance what we have, (not just Arthur Square), gets some decent updated info boards around town, some plants/trees in the high street or roundabouts, (not in the middle of the road in concrete boxes),and we actually get some shops here that aren't like every other small town AND the business owners that are here tidy up their shop fronts, (maybe a lick of paint would be a good start. Maybe even "Miller's 2nds" shop could fit-out their shop or get a non-hand written sign up), save your money on the TV ads. Just food for thought!!!

    1. New Norfolk could be so nice!March 8, 2012 at 8:56 PM

      ...And whilst I'm on the subject, Willow Court could be a nice place visit if something was done to the place instead of Council letting/getting it burnt down. The lookouts over the town need to be tidied up. More BBQ areas/toilets would get people here for picnics. Improve the esplanade with a boardwalk, restaurant/cafes, sealed parking areas, a nice fenced playground instead of the pathetic thing down by the bowls club. A bridge over the highway so it's safe to get down there, especially if you have small children. I could easily go on with ways to improve to town, to make your TV ads worthwhile, but whilst we have THIS Council, excuses and money wasting will go on and nothing will be done. SAVE YOUR AD MONEY FOR SOMETHING ELSE!!!

    2. have made a comment further on - didn't realise there was a reply field on offer!

  2. New Norfolk could be so nice!March 8, 2012 at 8:57 PM

    Shame Ed won't put my other comments up! I thought we had freedom of speech in Australia. I guess the truth hurts! (You're on the Council aren't you Ed!!!)

    1. All comments go through moderation before publication. Freedom of speech entitles you to start your own blog, not to swear and defame business operators on this one.

  3. I think "NN could be so nice!" has some valid points but they are misdirected at Ray (as Chair of the NNBA) who seems to me to be basically letting all know what actions the NNBA has been undertaking. The NNBA consists only of those businesses in the CBD which pay a levy to promote those businesses - not the tourism industry, the streetscape or spatial committee,tidy towns or any of the other myriad of council committees (including Willow Court) - just wholly and solely the businesses of the CBD. I think their current ad isn't too bad (a bit touristy to my taste, but obviously their group like it ok) and I think some of their other actions are ok too and their plans seem reasonable too considering there wouldn't be a great pool of $'s to access! Yes, sure some of their shops need a re-vamp, but some of them are looking really good, so keep on trying NNBA, somebody has to do it!
    Shop locally supporter

  4. I agree with both comments. It is really good to see the NNBA getting out there and doing their best to promote the CBD and thinking laterally re how to revive the High Street with the music etc. And, as always, it's nice to actually hear what is going on about town and encouraging that people do care and want to make a difference.
    Perhaps the point that "NN could be so nice" was trying to convey (and pls correct me if I'm wrong) is that a lot of places are letting the side down. It's all very good and well (and commendable) to get visitors to town but those businesses and amenities which are either lacking, run-down or otherwise a bit of an eyesore could defeat the purpose by creating some degree of disappointment in those who do visit, which in turn would not be good marketing when they go back home to tell their friends that NN is a bit of a non-event.
