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The scene this morning |
Eleven crews from the New Norfolk, Magra, Bridgewater and Hobart fire brigades have been in attendance since shortly after 3am and remain at the scene. Lachlan and Claremont brigades also provided support.
TFS district officer Gerald Crawford said the bulk of the fire had been knocked down, but it was still burning in the centre of the building.
Mr Crawford said the Hobart Fire Brigade's snorkel unit had greatly assisted the firefighting effort.
Damage has been restricted to the one building, but shops in Burnett and High Sts have suffered from water and smoke.
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As it was, circa 1913, proudly built by the Lee family |
This is heartbreaking. DV council should take this tragic opportunity to restore this old building to it former glory
ReplyDeleteI agree this building should have been restored (there's a picture on www.facebook.com/NNThinkTank), as should the Terry White Chemist building, but alas there won't be anything left to restore of the old Lee & Sons building. It is a huge loss to a town pegged as 'historic' - NN looks nothing like Richmond, which is also 'historic'.
DeleteI was thinking perhaps the ugly cladding may have done us a favour by preserving some of the facade. I hope a moment or two is taken to see if the buidling facade can be saved before they demolish the whole lot. It would be SO wonderful to be able to keep something of the beautiful old girl. But who would you even raise that with?
DeleteNew Norfolk News readers unite! Save the "Lee & Sons" frontage! Contact the chief officer of the Tasmania Fire Service; the general manager of the Derwent Valley Council; the director and/or chairman of Heritage Tasmania; Banjo's Bakery head office; anyone else you can think of.
DeleteIt seems that whilst Rome (New Norfolk) burns, Nero (The Derwent Valley Council) fiddles!!!!!
ReplyDeleteSo on the ABC website, The Derwent Valley Mayor Martin Evans says "it will take a long time for the town to recover from the fire."
ReplyDeleteYou are the Mayor, MAKE IT HAPPEN!!!!
Be the town leader that you were elected to be, you sold your dry cleaning business to be a Full Time Mayor, in the words of Nike "JUST DO IT!!!"
God help anyone who has money tied up in this town
ReplyDeleteGod help all the negative people. Stop listening to rumours and innuendo, stop playing the blame game, stop and take time to get your facts right, stop putting the local residents down and if you don’t like our little town then go elsewhere. I am over all the negative comments and so are a lot of other people.
ReplyDeletegood on you. Totally agree
DeleteI was rather disappointed at the DVC Mayor's negative comments about loss of jobs and how the business district may never recover from this???? There is an abundance of empty shops in New Norfolk main street, so the affected businesses should not find it difficult to find alternative premises and quickly re-open with their insurance payouts, even if only on a temporary basis. 2) Given Tasmania's draconian planning laws, that will require advertising and public objections to everything; maybe the council could do the something to bring max pressure on the State Government to facilitate fast tracking of the demolition and redevelopment of the site?
ReplyDeleteRather disappointed is not the term I would use.
DeleteI am disgusted that this view has been put forward by an ELECTED official. If the rest of the council had any guts they would immediately go to the media and distance themselves from the mayor and his negative views, calling him to account. I can assure them that they would have the support of the residents.
Once again the Mayor's comments have been taken out of context by the Damian Bester fan club.
the heritage have been rather slack in the town look at the tunnells witch do exsist, despite certain councillors denial and the management there are enough older people who have seen them, the star and garter not listed , the old pine trees in the new norfolk cemetary whitch were near 100 yrs old, the list is rather long. I do hope hope when the new building replaces lees blg it wont be another like the one that replaced the freemanons hotel, the town., has no real planning even after 200 yrs . where is the vision. peter
Deletehe he - some people just don't get it, sad but telling and probably explains a lot. The school of "make do" and "if it ain't broke so don't fix it" is not doing anything for NN.
ReplyDeletePeople are commenting on the "negatives" because these are stopping the town from moving forward (and let's face it, the DVC's lack of vision is really the common factor here). Truth hurts "anonymous" but understand something ... those who live here and bang on about the negatives are passionate about NN and want to see it improved, to flourish, prosper and be all that it can be. NN is a wonderful town in a magnificent setting. But if you can't take a good long hard look in the mirror and see where things are going wrong, you will never take things to the next level.
And here's a news flash - if this town does not pick up its game, it will flounder. Tourists and people from out-of-town (new blood, whether from Tassie or interstate) are a lot more savvy these days and NN does not have a lot to offer when you compare it to other rural locations. You can't rely on the grey nomads forever because the next generation of those will expect more too. NN needs to move with the times because it's not historic enough to stay in a tiem warp.
Sure, it may all read negative but you have to understand the sentiement and motivation behind it. Same old same old just won't cut the mustard for this town in the years to come. NN will be left behind. Don't be so naive.
PS - hey anonymous (so many of you), start talking positive yourself then ... start the trend, change the tide of discontent posted on these pages, rather than being a side-line commentator with no value add.