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Sunday, March 18, 2012

Reader's letter: Willow Court

I HEARTILY concur with Mrs Salt's comments regarding the recent Derwent Valley Council meeting. I am the member of the public who left in disgust at the Council's attitude towards Councillor Bester's motions.  As a person who chose to retire to New Norfolk from the mainland for its natural beauty and historical significance, I am appalled by the Council's lack of foresight and seeming inertia in not wanting to preserve Willow Court.  I had envisaged New Norfolk being on a par with other towns such as Richmond and Ross but sadly Council seems not to share this vision but wishes to exploit crass commercial opportunities such as the recent McDonald's acquisition to the township! Wake up - the electorate will only tolerate this vandalism for so long before it takes direct action.

Allyson Lock


  1. The Willow Court Saga, has been in the too hard basket for the presiding Councillors for far too long. The previous Councillors, thought along the same lines as did the ones before them after the State Government threw the entire prospect of maintaining the DVH as a viable business out of the window and closed it down! The downfall and demise of Willow Court, is an absolute scandal.. perpetrated by both State and Local Government. What has been allowed to happen to those Historical buildings, has been detrimental to not only the town and it's residents but the History of Tasmania and all of those concerned with the demolition and degradation of this site, should be absolutely ashamed to have allowed it to happen.

  2. Well said Allyson Lock! I think most of the ratepayers thought they would get a few new ones who would stand up and be counted at the last election however sadly it seems they don't have what it needs to do the best for this municipality. Why on earth don't they listen to what the people are saying? Get off your rear ends and actually DO something for the $10,000+ you are supposed to be earning!!

    1. agree 100%
      shame Cr Bester doesn't have a few more on his side ... which I think a few anticipated would be the outcome of the recent elections ... oh silly silly (myself included!)

  3. Come on folks, the buildings know as D, E, F and G are hardly of much historical value, as a matter of fact I think many in the community, particularly those who worked or lived there would not shed a tear if they all burnt to the ground. So in that I think the council including the new guys are representing the rate payers or more accurately the residents of the valley not just the vocal minority, I suspect the group doing all the complaining could be counted on one hand.
    I do have one suggestion though; all you folks, who are continually going on about it, why not form a group and buy the bloody things, spend your own money and not mine. Maybe you could get Damian Bester and Leo Schofield to become partners.

  4. Are you serious? Cr Bester struggles for support because he runs his own race, his my way or no way attitude and out right rudeness and lack of respect in council meetings is appalling.Cr Bester seems to have his own agenda,he is not acting in the best interest of the community. Come on cr Bester what is your agenda?
