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Sunday, March 4, 2012

Heritage lost to fire

AN overnight fire has destroyed one of the heritage buildings adjoining the Willow Court Oval at New Norfolk. Despite heavy rain falling at times, the deliberately-fit fire gutted the former F Ward and its remains will face demolition this week.

The fire was reported just before midnight, and three crews from the New Norfolk Fire Brigade were soon on scene, finding the solid brick building well alight. Support was called in from the Hobart Fire Brigade, including an aerial (snorkel) unit.

Incident controller Peter Brazendale said the fire appeared to have several points of origin, suggesting it was a case of arson.

Firefighters remain on the scene as the building continues to smolder. The building dates to the late 1930s and is part of the former hospital site owned by the Derwent Valley Council. The council recently resolved to offer F Ward and three adjoining buildings for sale by expressions of interest.


  1. The Devils Advocate.March 4, 2012 at 12:11 PM

    I guess that there are a certain few members of Council hoping for the rest to get burnt down so Council don't have to bother with Willow Court anymore!!!

  2. Shame on New Norfolk CouncilMarch 4, 2012 at 12:45 PM

    one way to cut costs and get the buildings down, burning them, DISGRACEFUL. Wake up to yourself NEW NORFOLK COUNCIL.
    Wonder if the Council Chambers could burn as quick??
    Guess who I wouldnt be voting for next council elections.

  3. I wonder if this fire will also "escape" an investigation like the last one. How pathetic!

  4. where was the security, how much are the ratepayers paying each week for wat. the remainings buildings next to the oval have been allowed to vadalised so much i dont link we can give them away re heritage isssues . we nearly gave the oval way to a developers who was in a position to pay full market value. alas at council meetings we do not have a full council to make the important decsions, democracy is not working. they sould be working for the good of the comunity they represent not there own interests let alone grandstanding,

  5. i agree listing to the abc this morning, re fire and willow court nothing changes 10 yrs on the past mayors present councillors. prior to last election must take sum responsibility for the debarcle, instead of burying the head in the sand like a bird, the management also t , the vision has long gone. Nice fence a bit late any monies left we will not need any security soon , not a good look for tourism, as the abc said enough of the pen how many reports wheres the action. peter

  6. Shame shame shame - the Derwent Valley Council and State Government, present and past (at least since the hospital closed), are ALL morally culpable for the demise of this historic site. You should all hang your heads in shame (with the exception of Barry Lathey who has at least consistently tried in vain to make a difference). You are so small minded and self-motivated. God help NN if better candidates don't come up soon. Perhaps it's time to dissolve Council again ... what was done a few years back? Put in an administrator or something because this Council (and I mean all of Council, not just the Councillors - senior management especially) is pathetic.
