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Sunday, March 18, 2012

Reader's letter: Willow Court fence

AFTER witnessing last Thursday's Council meeting and sitting through the defeat of Cr Bester's motion to erect a permanent fence around wards D, E, F, & G, I have completely lost faith in the ability of the Council to protect or manage Willow Court.  Shame on all Councillors who voted against this motion.

Anne Salt


  1. I completely agree with Anne Salt - it seems there are at least 1/2 dozen utter morons on this council! Shame, shame

  2. The sooner this council is amalgamated the better,anything of heritage value, this council are not interested in.A few months ago the media ran stories on the tunnels ,saying what this project [opening up the tunnels and restoring them],would do to New Norfolk as a tourist attraction plus employment.The councils attitude,"tunnels,what tunnels,don't know what you are talking about.

    1. The shame here is that you and others have not taken the time to find out why those councilors didn't vote for the fence,ask yourself these simple questions, who would pay for the fence? what would stop someone from simply climbing over the fence? What would stop someone from throwing a molotov cocktail over a fence? It is a councilors roll to act in the best interest of the community not respond with kneejerk reactions.It was the view of the Tasmanian fire service and the heritage people that a fence would be of little or no value in preventing this type of vandalism,Councilor bester was and is very well aware of this, he seems of the view that his opinion is the only one with any merit and the real morons are the ones who follow like sheep.

    2. Anonymous Mar18 written at 2:48am, do you really think that if the council had evidence of tunnels that they wouldn't pursue the issue.

    3. I was at the DVC meeting and the reasons given (and really, only Cr Lester made any substantive comments) were inadequate - Tas Fire said they won't help. That was it, end of story. DVC, you are so lazy. At least Cr Bester looked into the matter, came up with ideas ... where are yours? Were you at the meeting? Not in the public gallery as they were all Willow Court supporters so either you're a member of Council or you weren't there.
      So Anonymous, don't assume the commentators on this blog aren't doing their own research or attending DVC meetings (well, those which DVC allows us to!) and forming their own opinions (sheep? ... wake up!).

      As I posted under Cr Lester's open letter: "Sometimes, it is better to be seen to be doing something ... fences at least show we (the community, as represented by Council) do care about Willow Court. While we should always ensure we spend money wisely, this is true and noble, how then does Council justify formerly spending $4,000 per WEEK on ineffectual security? How is it that Council is paying for temporary fencing around Willow Court assets it does not own?"

      Intersting observation too that the only RDH buildings burnt out in the past 12 months did not have fences. And if you think fences aren't the answer, well, here's a really out there idea - come up with a better solution (ooops, that might make you have to think some ... careful).

      And here's another little morsel of food for thought. There's a saying that equity (that's a branch of law, FYI...) or god (or whatever your thing is) helps those who help themselves. If this Council doesn't show any practical, meaningful interest in Willow Court and preserving it, as has been the pattern for too long, then how can you honestly expect some state/federal government white knight in shining armour to come to the rescue?

      We are not stupid but you seem naive.

      If you are a Councillor hiding behind "anonymous" then show some pluck and follow Crs Lester and Bester's lead by being more transparent. Few of the Councillors at the meeting had anything constructive to say other than reasons why things cannot be done. Useless. Oh and that's not to mention the time wasted on whether Cr Bester's motions were one of many parts or 9 separate - I think the answer was a no brainer.

      And how dare you tar everyone with the moron brush. Pot.Kettle.Black. Coward.
      Cr Bester gets traction and support because he is vocal. He is doing his job (rememebr, Councillors are PAID by the "morons"!). For the most part the others sit there and rest on what laurels they can cling to from things they may have done eons ago but which ultimately bore no fruit (eg Cr Bromfield ... proud she helped secure govt grants for Willow Court (which was definitely a commendable coup) but that's not enough - what did you do, and what are you doing now, to ensure those grants or new grants were used for what they were intended? Nada as far as I can see).

      And re the qu posed about the tunnels, answer YES ! What has been done in the months since they (whatever they are) were revealed, what has been done to really determine what they were? An assessment from Mackey after a quick look in a hole? Where's his expertise?

      You need to start drinking some caffeine so you can WAKE UP!

  3. What an appalling outcome! The raw potential that the willow court site has is bottomless. I grew up in NN and recently returned to see a very upsetting site as i entered along Hobart Rd. The total destruction of Royal Derwent. How has this been aloud to happen? The Theatre was a great resource to the town and provided a local venue to arts and performances, it is now a total wreck.. wake up DV Council and preserve the assets you still have left. NN should be preserved as the beautiful historic town it is, instead of over introducing chain fads such as maccy D's!
    NN is sitting on an earning gold mine, don't throw it away like you have done with Royal Derwent!
    Dianne Blackwell

  4. In reply to Anne Salts comments in regard to the council meeting last Thursday. Councilor Besters motion to permanently fence the wards D,E,F and G was a knee jerk reaction to the problem,councilor Bester is very good at shooting of his mouth about this and other isues but very short on ideas on how to best resolve them.Fencing those buildings would do little or nothing to protect them from the kind of vandalism that was experienced. The council has engaged the services of Mr David Llewellyn who will be working with the state govenment and council to find a way forward for Willow court. The trouble with the Anne Salts and Damien Besters of this world is their opinion is the only opinion of any worth I for one commend the councilors who voted against Councilor Besters motion I hope that they will work towards finding a sustainable solution to a very complex problem.Shame on Anne Salt for her narrow minded view on this issue.

    1. And how long will the council be given to find a sustainable solution? I think 12 years is more than long enough. I might add that I am fully aware that the fence is one part of the solution to security, Damians motion was about canvassing the State and Federal Governments to fund the fence...but this was not supported.

      Interesting that so many people who like to comment on this site hide behind being anonymous!

  5. A thought We as rate payers should own the fencing out right. The buildings are ours, they should be protected hence fenced so as they are off limits. We owe it to the "past" to the memory of what these buildings represent whats left of them any how, I feel a great sadness and shame that my community leaders and others dont value the beauty of these old buildings .
