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Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Anzac Day in New Norfolk

GOOD numbers were reported at the dawn service and 11am Anzac Day observances in New Norfolk today. More than 100 people attended the dawn service and several times that number were at the parade and service at 11am. About 350 copies of the order of service were given out.

There were several innovations in this year's program, including a Bible reading by St Brigid's School student Prue Huntington and singing by the Derwent Valley Choir to accompany the Derwent Valley Concert Band. Addresses were given by celebrant Celia Hooker and Captain Cameron McDougall of the 12th/40th Battalion.

In addition to the large crowd there was a strong contingent of politicians, led by the Federal Member for Lyons, Dick Adams MHR. Craig Farrell MLC represented the State Government and Mark Shelton MHA represented the State Opposition. Also present were the mayor and several Derwent Valley councillors.

1 comment:

  1. Well done NN. Lest we forget


