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Sunday, April 22, 2012

Bushy Park Hall needs a hand


  1. Maybe Craig Farrell might come and do a bit -a couple of weeks of his salary would have paid to have the whole place repainted professionally .

  2. What time?
    And what are they hoping to achieve on the day? If it's gardening or tidying inside then I can probably help, but if it's hard manual labour then I'm useless to them. I don't want to drive all the way out there to find out I can't be of any use!

    1. The organisers have been asked about the time of the working be - no answer so far.

    2. Question for Charles Dee. What has money got to do with community spirit? All your comment demonstrates is your mean spirit.

    3. I walked past a poster in the Glasser and Parker window that had 9am scribbled on it. So I guess it starts at 9am?!!

  3. My comment ,whilst you may choose to interpret as mean spirited,was meant to high light ,the blatant imbalance of the distribution of tax payer funds in this state,especially the Derwent Valley.
    Look around the Valley,infrastructure is crumbling and business confidence is at an all time low-meanwhile our elected officials sit with their hands in the till.

    1. The Devils AdvocateApril 25, 2012 at 6:57 PM

      Well said Charles!

    2. I am always happy to support community projects and I have been a community volunteer for many years. The organisers have not asked me for assistance. I notice that two other MPs are mentioned but I was not approached. Unfortunately I wont be able to help with this working bee as I will be at another.
      Mr Dee, I can assure you I do not sit on my hands and I am always working for my electorate.
      At least you publish your name unlike many others who are hiding behind false names and having a go at others without putting forward their credentials or background.
      My office is open to any who wishes to talk to me about my role and I am happy to show the list of cheques that I write to help those who ask.
      I normally don't make comment on these forums as I believe they are not valid if people don't identify themselves.
      I hope the Hall Committee has a sucessful day.
      Craig Farrell

  4. Whilst i commend your retort, Craig,my posting i believe, is still pertinent .This state is being utterly destroyed by the current government ,of which you are aligned.Whilst you and others like you enjoy an extremely generous,renumeration,the health service,police and others are being decimated.

    1. In reply to Charles Dee, I was just wondering if you have ever had a job and if you have did that job pay a wage/salary and when you took that job if you have ever had one did you also take the money offered for your services or did you give it to someone else or did you say to your employer no that is too much? When you see old buildings like the bushy park hall do you offer some of your own money to help restore or fix them? Do you offer your time? Why is it that people think that it is government’s roll, local, state or federal to constantly pump money into these places when it is clearly not in the best interest of the community? Please tell me what services you would like to sacrifice to achieve your ideals and one last thing Charles you really know nothing of what behind the scenes work our politician do, some like others in our community would do very little or nothing some like others in our community do a lot. Mr Farrell is well known in the Derwent Valley and unlike his labour/greens colleges Mr Poley and Mr Morris, Mr Farrell is very involved in his community. I know for a fact he is rather generous with donations to various community groups and he is equally generous with his time in working with the community.
