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Sunday, April 22, 2012

Reader's letter - Willow Court

THE real estate agent didn't lose a sale because of Leo Schofield's comments; he lost it because of the situation in New Norfolk to which Leo Schofield's criticism applied – corporate and individual vandalism, and frequent fires which are suspected of being arson.  The people to blame are those in a position to lift this town out of the doldrums, but are not only not doing it but obstructing progress.

Development of the historic site of Willow Court would not only generate employment both directly and indirectly but would attract tourists and completely change the town's image. Leo Schofield seems to be the only person able to get media attention.

The government is evidently disinclined to audit the books of Derwent Valley Council to see where the missing millions – which should have been spent on Willow Court – have gone.  Is the reason for this lack of intervention because at least one prominent councillor is a member of the Labor Party? And we thought that the council's job was to represent ratepayers!

Pat Durrant


  1. In reply to Pat Durrant, I’m really interested to see some real evidence of this implied miss appropriation of funds, do you have any evidence? Because if you do you really should take it to the police, they are an independent body, free from your implied political protection, or are you just full of the proverbial? You state that the government is evidently disinclined to audit the books of the Derwent Valley Council as if your words are a fact of some wrong doing. Do you think maybe the reason the government hasn’t intervened is that there just isn’t any evidence of what you are implying? Put up or shut up. Another question can you please name the prominent councillor who is a member of the Labour party, it’s not against the law to name him/her or are you just saying that to suit your argument? Perhaps we should question what your agenda is, what axe do you have to grind Pat? By the way if a real estate agent said he/she lost a sale because of Schofields attack on New Norfolk who are you to question him/her. Do you think that the attack Schofields made on the youth of our town was warranted? I live on the town and I don’t see rampaging youth running amuck and chucking Molotov cocktails, most of the kids in this town are fantastic kids, they come from wonderful family’s, but don’t take my word for it call the high school and talk to the teachers, get in touch with our sporting clubs, our concert band, have a chat to the youth group DFAT or just ask people on the street, if you really want someone to blame, blame yourself because it is the negative way you view our town that gives people like Schofields currency, I’m proud to live here and I will defend our kids and our town, stop being an apologist for where you live, show some courage and stand up for your community instead of always dragging it down.
    Who do you feel are in a position to lift this town out of the doldrums? Would that be the council? Is there nothing those poor bastards aren’t to blame for? Give me a break; Have you read a newspaper lately? Here’s the deal. Forestry jobs gone, Hayes prison closed, schools in fear of being closed, the state government is broke and is shedding jobs in police department, education and health cuts, what is your answer to our problem, any suggestions? No I thought not.

    1. A bit unfair, ed. Pat puts his/her name on their letter and you let some "anonymous" have a massive spray in return. Funny how the council defenders are mostly anonymous. "Show some courage" indeed.

    2. In reply to be fair, I notice that even though you have a go at me for being anonymous you didn't put your name to your comment either, "show some courage", perhaps you should practice what you preach, by the way most of my comment was defending my community particularly our youth, and laying the blame where it belongs, with the awful green/labour accord. Perhaps you chose to ignore that bit? As for chastising the editor I for one am pleased that he is providing this forum for all opinions not just a selected view. Well done ed.

  2. I must say that the letter from 'annonymous' was an unfortunate and negative response to a person making some observations about the sad state of New Norfolk. He/she is clearly very sensitive to any reference to 'missing millions' which annonnymous refers to as 'misappropriation of funds'. Maybe pat was referring to the fiasco of State and federal Grants that remained unspent for years and had to be returned.
    The comments by Leo Schofield are accurate, in my opinion, and I make the point that New Norfolk is NOT a safe place to venture on a Friday or Saturday night. Of course they could all be people from out of town but I dont think so.
    What can be done - is a question we should all be asking. Unemployment is a major issue and is not helped by poor public transport. We cant expect the town to provide full employment but there should be an opportunity to access available employment elsewhere.
    A redeveloped Willow Court has the potential to bring major dollars to town. Look at Port Arthur for example. Even Oatlands has done something that Willow COurt could replicate ie training in lost trades and crafts. I would love to see not just more antique shops but other related shops opened. There ecould be, for example a push to attract artists and other craft people to New Norfolk as happened at Salamanca Place. How can tht be done? Visionaary leadership by Council!
    Rather than complain about Leo Schofield, why dont we face the critic and invite him to develop some concepts. His ideas will be worth listening to - unless you have a closed mind!

    1. Hi John - in a recent issue of The Gazette it was reported that Council had approached Schofield about his comments. If I recall correctly, Schofield stood by them and was not in a position (nor probably had the inclination) to develop any ideas for the town. He is a social commentator in an ivory tower, nothing more useful.

    2. In reply to John Paton, Why are my comments Unfortunate and negative? Do you people only read into others comments what you want? do you not understand my comments, how can you or any one take comments defending our town and our people as negative, as I said I live in New Norfolk and I have no fear of walking the streets, have you or anyone you know ever had a problem with the youth of our town? IT IS A SAFE PLACE TO LIVE. This town is no different than any community across Tasmania or for that matter Australia, we have problems, every community does.
      Leo Schofield has set himself up as an authority on all things New Norfolk, your comment that his ideas will be worth listening to say volumes about the way you think, by the way unlike you I respect your right to have a different opinion to me, for mine anyone who is prepared to say the things he said about our community and particularly our youth can take his opinions and put them where the sun don’t shine. Would you like to be a young person applying for a job with new Norfolk on your resume after his diatribe?
      You only need to read the paper, watch the news or listen to the radio to know both State and federal governments are desperately trying to get back into surplus which means no funding is available for projects of the like we need to create employment, including willow court. I am not sensitive to references to missing millions because there is no evidence of money being missing. Poorly spent at times no doubt and I am sure that we could spend the next ten years bitching about it but not one single dollar will come back. Everybody keeps talking about the future of willow court, without some serious funding willow court has no future, and in case no one is aware future means events that have not yet happened or an expected or projected state so let’s all start working on the future. It is hoped that with the Memorandum of understanding between the Derwent council and the state government and Mr David Llewellyn taking charge then some positive changes will be made and some real progress achieved.
      I notice that you made no mention of the agent who says he lost a sale due to Schofields comments, or the supposed Labour party member, I also note that you haven’t spoken up for the youth of our town. Do you agree with those statements?
      The ideas you have touted re; artists and more shops, training in lost trades etc. are not new and I am sure will be on the radar of Mr Llewellyn and his new committee, we have some very talented people who unlike some are actually out there working hard to try and bring about some change, look at what the business alliance has been doing with the street buskers, the bands at Arthur square and the pavement signage congratulations to all of you, I also know that members of the council you seem so happy to beat up on are working hard to help bring some new business to town. here’s an idea why don’t you put up some cash open up a new business, or get out there and talk of the good things going on and while you’re at it give the kids a wrap they deserve it.

    3. Wow! What a reaction - and anonymous still remains anonymous!
      Lucky for me that I made no mention of New Norfolk 'youth' in my comments as Í dont see them as the problem. I work in the non-profit community services sector and I have put forward a formal proposal for the future use of Willow Court. I am not a business person and I dont have the money to open a new business. Perhaps 'anonymous' is one of the local business owners and has done what he suggests others do and has put money into a local business.
      I repeat that, in my opinion, New Norfolk is NOT a safe place to venture on a Friday or Saturday night. I am pleased that you think it is a safe place to live but I would not want my wife or daughter to have to go to the shops at night.
      I will also venture to say that the CBD of New Norfolk is one of the ugliest and most depressing areas I have ever seen in my 60+years. It has great potential but has been let down badly by some very ugly shopfronts.
      So 'anonymous':
      1. Who has caused the damage to Willow Court and why? Is it just out of towners? Why would anyone systematically break every windowpane?
      2. Where is the lack of respect for community coming from?
      3. Where is the leadership? Council? local business leaders? community mentors?
      You are clearly someone with the gift of reading between the lines. I cant read into my comments any referenece to 'members of council you seem so happy to beat up on'.
      We do agree however, that the Willow Court development needs money and the $500,000 referred to recently will no doubt assist. I wish David Llewellyn and his Committee all the best but previous inaction on this site does not bode well for its future.
