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Monday, April 9, 2012

Willow Court dominated workshop

WILLOW Court topics dominated the first of the Derwent Valley Council's new-style open and closed workshops last Thursday night. In the absence of the mayor, deputy mayor Barry Lathey thanked those present for their attendance. Present were the general manager and councillors Lester, Shaw, Bromfield, Bester, Nicholson and Shoobridge. There was no-one in the public gallery, which had been set up away from the main table in contrast to previous workshops when the public sat with the councillors. The mayor arrived about 15 minutes late.

The general manager advised that he had that day received a new draft memorandum of understanding on Willow Court from David Llewellyn. Lengthy discussion followed and a report will be provided to the next council meeting.

The general manager advised that Cr Lester had requested that a security consultant be asked for an opinion on Willow Court. Mr Hugh Eagling had been consulted and was unable to attend the workshop due to martial arts commitments but would instead meet Mr Mackey on site.

Cr Bester asked whether the council could ask the State Government to provide insurance coverage for Willow Court and Mr Mackey responded that he was surprised no-one had suggested this before. Cr Shaw asked why the Willow Court barracks could not be fenced like Frescati and a long discussion followed. Cr Lathey asked when the council would get a decisive answer from the potential purchaser of the Willow Court oval and Mr Mackey responded that this was in the lap of the gods.

At 8pm the workshop moved onto other topics, including a document from the Local Government Board on the subject of councillor numbers; an update on negotiations regarding access to private properties at Willow Court; a report on the council's enterprise bargaining agreement which Mr Mackey said had been the subject of discussions for about 12 months; a suggestion from the mayor that the State Government should lease the soon-to-be-closed Hayes Jail farm to the Van Diemen Dairy; and advice that the Carinya Education Park had been burgled.


  1. Anybody know when the new draft MOU on Willow Court will be published on the council website, and when public comments will be called for?

    1. Pffft johnd - highly unlikely I suggest!

  2. hm how right is mr mckay in the lap of the gods ... its time to get real, we had 3 million dollars nothing to show 4 it why should the goverment give us more to waste.

  3. Why is it that one councillor's request be acted upon by the general manager? Surely this sort of thing, especialy where ratepayers $'s are being expended,should be decided by the whole council, or is the councillor in question paying for it himself?

  4. In reply to just asking. My request was that we get a security expert to speak with council at our workshop to help us find a way forward with security for the site, the consultant Mr Hugh Eagling was not able to attend the workshop due to other commitments but will meet with The general manager on site. The general manager will then report to council with Mr Eaglings views on the matter, for council to consider. It should be noted that any councillor can request information to be presented at workshops. If council were to decide to proceed beyond this first stage then a motion must be put and passed. So far as I know no money will be changing hands for this initial consultation. Councillor Chris Lester.

    1. Has council liaised with its own Special Committee (ie, the Willow Court & Barracks Working Grp) to see what they have investigated, on Council's behalf, regarding security? I understand the Committee was already looking into it so it seems you are both working in parallel which doesn't sound too efficient. Better communication ... come on guys, it's not that hard.

  5. To Are You Serious? Cr Lester proposes to move a motion at the next Council meeting asking for a special report to council from the Willow Court committee, so I guess all will be revealed to him then (even though the minutes of all special committees are on the DVC's own website).

    There are 10 Special Committees of Council. Will Cr Lester be seeking a report from all of those who don't hold monthly working bees to ensure they are doing 'something'?
    One might like to look at the committees' various purposes before you decide on face value whether one is doing more than another.
