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Saturday, April 28, 2012

Opening the gates

Working bee today.
THE security gates at Willow Court will be opened next weekend for an open day forming part of Tasmanian Heritage Month. A working bee was held today to prepare C Ward, which is one of the buildings that will be open next Sunday, May 6. This will be a great opportunity to visit several of the buildings and see the newly uncovered pond at Frescati.

Between 11am and 3pm parts of the Barracks, C Ward (Carlton House), Industrial Therapy and A Ward (Alonnah House) will be open. Admission by donation. There will be a number of things going on at the site including a photographic display, information, archival footage, “Life in Willow Court” display and a number of tour guides, some with first hand knowledge of the site in its operational days.

Between noon and 2pm on the same day there will be a free community barbecue by the Pond at Frescati House, opposite the former Administration Building at Willow Court. All welcome.

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