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Thursday, April 12, 2012

Big day this Saturday


  1. The Devils AdvocateApril 14, 2012 at 1:49 PM

    A good idea, but it needs to be advertised further a field to get people to come into town to spend the $$$$. How about using the C Ward at Willow Court for a battle of the bands? Just don't book 'Mental as Anything'!!! ;o)

    1. Agreed. A bit surprised there was no paid advertising in the Gazette & Mercury. There were plenty of fliers around but they didn't give much detail, times etc. Very important to allocate a portion of your budget to advertising. Anyway, a good first effort than can be improved on next time.

  2. Yes it can be improved on next time. I was one of the two people organising this event on behalf of the NNBA, and whilst the NNBA was very generous in giving us the budget to run this event, it was not a large budget to work with. To give you some idea, a half decent sized ad in the Gazette and in the Mercury would have cost roughly half our total budget. We made a choice to give people an event to talk about so that we would have word of mouth on our side next time we run one, rather than have big advertising and not enough money left to present an event that lived up to the advertising!
    As it was, we made the most of volunteer time, favours from industry connections etc. The event ended up costing under half of what it should have due to donations and discounts. This event was organised in a very short space of time so that we could could still catch good weather before winter. It is a new venture and new direction for the NNBA and the next event will take into account all the shortcomings of this one and improve upon those with the luxury of a much longer lead in time.
    Our biggest concern at this point, is that those who attended on the day had a fantastic time and now know that when the NNBA present an event, it is of professional quality and well worth attending.
    I hope you both attended and had a good day out.
    Dates are yet to be finalised, however we are planning to run more of these events over the summer tourist season.
    We have a page and a group on Facebook that we keep up to date with info about the events and where you can join in discussion about how to keep things moving forward. Come and find us:)

  3. I think that idea was good however, too many things spread out around the town - focus on Arthur Square in future and get those flyers to the kids at the high school - the majority didn't have a clue it was on - obviously don't read the multitude of flyers in the shop windows, but this is not unusual of course for teens. Very lucky with the weather too and congrats on your efforts and also to the NNBA - don't know if it bought any of the businesses anything extra, but no harm in trying!
