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Sunday, May 29, 2016

High school works proceeding

Demolition works at New Norfolk High
School have entered their second week.
AS the demolition of the original New Norfolk High School buildings enters its second week, a picture is starting to emerge of how the redeveloped area may look when completed.

With almost all of the "Bristol Block" now removed, a large central zone is being created. This will be landscaped to provide an assembly courtyard and outdoor learning and recreation spaces.

All of the 1950s-era prefabricated aluminium classrooms have now been demolished, leaving only the smaller section facing the front car park on Blair St.

The original quadrangle between the lunch room and the front of
the school will form part of the new courtyard assembly area.
The school says the majority of the works reported last week are scheduled to be completed during Term 2.

The Education Department is seeking to commission a suitable artwork to complement the new area.
The memorial garden, at left, will no longer be hidden between two buildings.

A large open area is being created in the centre of the school.
Looking down towards the Grade 7 block across the site of the old classrooms.

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