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Sunday, February 24, 2019

Second Saturday market on the cards

The Saturday market in High St, New Norfolk.
A SECOND weekly market in New Norfolk is on the cards following acceptance of the concept of a twilight market at last week's Derwent Valley Council meeting. The council backed away from outright approval of the new venture but agreed to further discuss it with the proponents.

In a written report, recently-appointed community development officer Kelly Simms recommended that councillors agree to pursue the concept of a twilight market being held on the Derwent Esplanade in New Norfolk, based conditions similar to those for the weekly High St Market.

Deputy mayor Jessica Cosgrove as the operator of the High St Market declared a conflict of interest in the proposal and left the room while the report was considered. The meeting was held in the community meeting room at the Maydena Bike Park, with all councillors except Cr Anne Salt in attendance. Cr Rachel Power declared a potential perceived interest in the market proposal but opted to remain in the room.

Cr Paul Belcher was the first to speak when the report came up for discussion, and he proposed that the market be approved and that the requested operating hours of noon-6pm be approved. Cr Belcher's motion lapsed when no other councillor was prepared to second it.

Cr Martyn Evans then moved the original recommendation put forward by Ms Simms, seconded by Cr Luke Browning, and this was carried unanimously when put to the vote.


In her report, Ms Simms - who is also a Glenorchy City Council alderman -  said a community member had approached the council on behalf of a community group with a proposal for a weekly twilight market. "The proposal is to be located at the Esplanade and would operate from 12pm-6pm," Ms Simms said. "Council officers provided the community group representative with relevant  information relating to the proposal and outlined the likely position of the council at this time."

Addressing risk implications, Ms Simms said a adding another market "could saturate the overall commercial market for marketplaces within the Derwent Valley municipality." She said the proposed timeframes overlapped with the already established market and "would be facilitated by council at high risk to the organisation and general community outcomes."

"When assessing a relevant unsolicited proposal guide for submissions and assessments, it was also noted as not meeting most criteria. This included but was not limited to categories such as uniqueness, value for money, strategic fit with council’s future plans and procurement processes."

Ms Simms was not present at the council meeting to take questions about her report. In the debate, councillors spoke positively about the concept of another market but questioned whether noon was the right starting time for a twilight market. "I like the concept of a twilight market and my interpretation of 'twilight' is probably not from lunchtime onwards, it is probably from 4pm onwards, especially in the peak time of the year when Daylight Savings is about," Cr Evans said.

"I have seen what the other market has done on a Saturday to invigorate and if we can keep people here for this ... if it had different times apart, it could actually attract stallholders from one to the other and they could be there for the whole day."

Cr Power agreed that the term 'twilight market' did not bring a lunchtime start to mind. "Being able to attract people, keep them here longer, that's what all the messaging is about, the ability to extend that stay and have more to see and more to do," she said.

Cr Luke Browning said he supported the recommendation, which was just to endorse a concept. "We're not sure how it looks at the moment, so let's not get too carried away with things and all the little details, and have a good think about it and a good chat about how to go about it."


  1. Wow. So if one market is good, two must be twice as good. Really? Trying to run two like this is likely to see the death of both.
    In the interests of transparency, who is proposing this new market?

    1. Members of the original market commitee are the proponents

  2. I think this proposal needs a lot more thought, I would encourage council to workshop this issue and not to leave the decision to management.It could work but I can see so many difficulties to be overcome first

  3. I agree with johnd that saturation is risky business. We currently have the monthly community market on the Avenue, High St weekly market, Autumn Festival, Medieval festival, and Christmas market. Sorry if I left anything out. If there were a twilight market I would suggest monthly rather than weekly as it's impact could be to the detriment of the others. There is only so much cash to be split between markets. Other considerations include other events such as Australia Day, Regatta, Easter, etc all vying for the same $$$ amount. Food for thought...

  4. I think the weekly market is enough for the moment. I know of people to come from Launceston just to visit the weekly market. Maybe if energy & money were put into the Banjo's Market, it could become as iconic as Salamanca, without the exorbitant fees.

  5. I believe way too much money has been put into the already existing High Street market. All of the communities money for a privately run business. I for one am not happy with my rates being paid this way. The business owners all loosing money, that is without the 4 that have now closed since the initiation of the market into the main street. Businesses now requesting it be moved as the takings for a Saturday have all but halved.

  6. The proposed twighlight market WILL NOT be a Private run business and will be run by a committee and all monies collected will be put back into the community as it was with the previously named new Norfolk market.
