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Saturday, April 27, 2019

Labor promises $5m for Mt Field

The Federal Member for Lyons, Brian Mitchell, left, and Labor
tourism spokesman Anthony Albanese listing to Federal Labor
leader Bill Shorten's funding announcement at Mona.
A $5 MILLION federal election promise for Mt Field National Park has been welcomed by Derwent Valley councillor Rachel Power, who described the commitment as the biggest investment for the park.

The Mercury this morning reported that the Australian Labor Party would today announce a $120 million Tasmanian tourism funding package, including $5 million for car park, visitor centre, road and facility improvements at Mt Field National Park, and help to manage visitor growth.

Posting on her councillor Facebook page, Mrs Power said this was the biggest investment for Mt Field National Park. "This is the third election promise for the Derwent Valley, this time from Labor," she wrote. Mrs Power is the operator of the cafe in the park's visitor centre.

"If we team this with their promise of funding to fix roads, we could start to see a very good outcome for the Valley coming from Labor. The campaigning has only just started though, let's see what Liberal come out with for the Valley - haven't heard anything so far?" she said, noting that this was her personal opinion.


Federal Opposition Leader Bill Shorten visited Mona at Berriedale later in the morning for a formal announcement of the tourism package, including $50 million for the Museum of Old and New Art. "The Tasmanian economy has many strings to its bow but tourism is certainly I think one of the great job generators for Tasmania. Tasmanian tourism is famous across the mainland and famous across the world," Mr Shorten said.

Labor's tourism spokesman Anthony Albanese said the announcement was a proud moment. "I believe this is the most significant tourism package for any state from any federal government or opposition in Australia's history," he said.

"$120 million with Mona as its centrepiece but also recognising that one of the things that Mona does for the 400,000 visitors who went through Mona in the last financial year - 70 per cent of whom were from interstate or internationally - is bring them here, this is the magnet, and then to spread the benefit throughout Tasmania particularly throughout the regions. So this package is comprehensive."

"Freycinet will receive $10 dollars to improve the facilities there. Mt Field National Park, $5 million. Both of these pristine natural environments are suffering from the number of visitors who are coming through and we need the infrastructure to keep up with it so that people can have a positive experience when they visit those destinations."

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