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Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Farrell sworn in and promoted

PREMIER Lara Giddings today welcomed New Norfolk's Craig Farrell to the Parliamentary Labor Party on his first day in the Legislative Council. “I am looking forward to working closely with Mr Farrell and I know he has a lot to offer, both in Parliament and to the people of Derwent,” Ms Giddings said.

In a statement issued this afternoon, Ms Giddings said Mr Farrell had been appointed as the State Government's deputy leader in the Upper House. "Under the independently-set salary arrangements of Parliament, Mr Farrell is entitled to a $39,000 loading. This is entirely appropriate and reflective of the additional responsibilities he will be asked to carry out in this role. This includes progressing all Government legislation through the Upper House and answering questions in the Leader’s absence," Ms Giddings said.

Mr Farrell's swearing-in this morning was attended by well-wishers from the Derwent Valley Council including general manager Stephen Mackey, regional development officer Jess Dallas and Councillor Judy Bromfield as well as members of the Farrell family.

ABC News has more here.


  1. Farrell should immediately resign his paid position as deputy mayor - what a farce in this time of unemployment, job losses, planned cuts to services and so on. Undoubtedly he also has had a large leave payout from his job with federal member Dick Adams - not that that is a bad thing, he's entitled but consideration of those who haven't even got 1 job when he has had 4 going at once - nah, don't think so. I doubt he can do justice to any of the electors in being an MLC, deputy leader for the gov, councillor and deputy mayor - come on Farrell, do the right thing here, better is expected of you.

  2. What would the costs be of running a by-election for deputy mayor and a single Councillor? Given that there's an election in October anyway, doesn't it make sense that he stays until then?

  3. There would be a recount, not a by-election. Happens from time to time in local government. More often than you'd think, really.

  4. I read today where he reckons he'll give the 'council' money to a charity (not DV Railway I hope) but that's simply not good enough. There is no way that any person can do a good job of any of so many positions - just do the right thing morally Farrell and resign. We expect better of the person representing Derwent now!
    (And yes, a simple recount would give the Deputy job to the only other candidate if my memory serves me correctly and similarly a recount of Farrell's votes for the position of councillor - easy)

  5. So, he says he will give his council money to a charity, which means it's a donation, which means it's tax-deductible, which means it's not really gonna hurt his pocket!

  6. With the Council elections due in october, and it now being nearly june, there would be no re-count - the seat would remain vacant until October since there are less than six months to go until the elections. Read the Local Government Act, people, the law is actually quite easy to understand if you just read it.

  7. It would seem that when council elections are due in less than six months, there are no recounts or by-elections (except in specific circumstances) for casual vacancies. If the position of deputy mayor becomes vacant it would appear that councillors elect a replacement from among their number to serve the remainder of the term. Looks like there would be no costs and a small saving.

  8. I agree - resign and save us all some $'s

  9. I think that the ratepayers of this council area should be the ones who are receiving the savings in this matter and not some charity. If you don't want to resign Mr Farrell then simply, DON'T TAKE THE SALARY! Now, how easy is that
    Judith A
