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Sunday, May 8, 2011

Willow Court subdivision

A PUBLIC notice in yesterday's issue of the Mercury newspaper has started the process of subdividing and rezoning part of the Willow Court historic site to enable the sale of the oval space. The Derwent Valley Council has applied to itself to excise the oval from the adjoining buildings. Mayor Martyn Evans recently announced that the oval had been sold to a supermarket developer. Buildings at the side of the oval have not been sold.

The application, associated plans and documents are on display at the Derwent Valley Council offices for two weeks from tomorrow (Monday), during which time written comments may be lodged with the general manager. If the subdivision is successful, the oval will need to be rezoned from a Special Development Zone to a Commercial Zone to enable future development of the property for commercial purposes.


  1. Thanks for the info.

    I assume of the old Change rooms is part of the sale?

  2. Excellent news- at last some action.The site is an absolute disgrace and if not developed soon,should be demolished.

  3. I don't know if you can demolish an oval.

  4. If anything needs to demolished, it should be the DVC and their mismanagement of the (missing) Willow Court Funds!!!!

  5. What I would like to know is why the Council's consideration of "options for Willow Court site" is to be discussed in a closed meeting tomorrow night

  6. I agree smartie - what on earth would council need to discuss in a closed meeting re this site? There's certainly no commercial-in-confidence aspect or is this Mayor not as open and transparent as we were led to believe in his pre-election commitments? Hmmmm
