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Monday, May 23, 2011

A reader asks...

I HAVE heard that there is going to be a mall in New Norfolk, is this true?



  1. Wouldn't that be a question Council can answer? We talk about transparency in local government. Surely some light can be shed on what scale of development the purchaser of the Willow Court Oval proposes ... or does this question relate to another site?

    Looking forward to Council re-establishing a regular newsletter updating the community on all that's going on. Some excellent work is being done but perhaps not very well publicised. It will be a win win.

  2. I would have thought the most sensible use of High street would have been to block it off and make it into a Mall - like that in Hobart - instead of those stupid useless Round -a - bouts at either end, that serve no real useful purpose, but act as speed bumps for busses and trucks and make traffic flow a joke!

    It should have been done years ago, but then that would have been the sensible solution, and who ever heard of such a thing being done??!!

  3. George St will become a mall,not High St.
    Why? To make life easier for Mr Rockerfeller's customers.
    I hope the DVC arent paying for it.

  4. I understand a High St Mall has been considered many many times, but the effected businesses don't want it. How about a survey (a pleblicite?) with the next council elections? Personally I think it would be a good idea but I believe the businesses reckon that if people can't park outside the shop they need, they will go to Glenorchy????
    As far as George St is concerned and given the proposed development in the area, the sooner council put in a roundabout at the George/Burnett intersection the better!!!!

  5. @Anonymous May 24, 2011 9:15 PM
    "instead of those stupid useless Round -a - bouts at either end"

    Those "stupid roundabouts" stopped a lot of stop-sign problems, especially at Burnett Street. Traffic flows much more smoothly now, and getting across Burnett Street on High Street is no longer the high-stress gamble it used to be. Please don't remove the roundabouts.

  6. Yeah It would be good knowing exactly, what sort of development is going where, and how does that effect the businesses already in High St.
    Whats's getting built exactly?
    A new Freestanding supermarket? or will there be specialty shops built with it ? Somebody please let us know!
    The sooner we all know the better, it would be great for New Norfolk to get Coles here as it would create more jobs and competition. but they say we haven't got the population for 2 supermarkets, i say that's rubbish, because if you create more jobs in New Norfolk the population will grow with new commercial developments, and the whole Derwent Valley will benefit!

    Now Time to get Willow Court fixed up once and for all!!!!!

  7. Knock the whole willow court place down just like what's happened on the glebe road side and subdivide it all up and all the hassles will disappear. Too simple?

  8. What hassles? Yeah too simple.
