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Sunday, May 27, 2012

Acting mayor's report to council

DEPUTY mayor Barry Lathey detailed the first part of his month of acting mayoral duties when he chaired the May meeting of the Derwent Valley Council. Mayor Martyn Evans is on a month's personal leave.

Councillor Lathey said he had marched at the dawn and 11am Anzac Day parades, led by New Norfolk RSL president Geoff Hack. A highlight had been when RSL vice-president Stephen Ball and the Australian Defence Force catafalque party visited Corumbene Nursing Home after the dawn service. The soldiers handed out cups of tea and Anzac biscuits to the residents, Celia Hooker gave a Bible reading, and residents were able to lay wreaths they had made. "It was a memorable day for all concerned and its success was due to a combined effort by the New Norfolk RSL and Corumbene staff," Cr Lathey said.

The Willow Court open day on May 6 was another highlight of the acting mayor's month, including the visit by Heritage Minister Brian Wightman to present the newly concluded memorandum of understanding for future development of the historic site. "The Willow Court and Barracks Working Group are to be commended for their efforts on the day," he said. Some $445 in donations was collected and about 12 tour groups were conducted around the site. "It was an excellent day and I look forward to more," he said. Cr Lathey said he understood adjacent businesses including Patchwork Cafe and Cheeky Little Place had benefited from the open day.

The acting mayor's events had also included a youth expo at the Derwent Valley Community House, various meetings, a media launch by Human Services Minister Cassy O'Connor for the "From Dirt to Plate" program at Frescati, and a lunch at Strathgordon with Tourism Minister Scott Bacon.

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