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Monday, May 7, 2012

Sunday petrol at Maydena

PETROL will be available at the Forestry Tasmania tourism hub in Maydena each Sunday from 10am-1pm. Access to fuel has been a problem since the hub closed for winter but tonight's meeting of the Maydena Community Association heard that Forestry Tasmania was keen to help if possible.

Forestry Tasmania general manager (corporate relations and tourism) Ken Jeffreys offered to have the hub on Kallista Rd open for three hours a week, on a trial basis. After some discussion, the meeting settled on the Sunday morning slot.


  1. Better than nothing.....but not by much.

  2. So why not employ a local to open up during winter ?

  3. Tony, It is not cost effective for them to do that. There is very little margin on fuel as it is, and having to pay someone's wages out of the little margin they get would just see them being attacked for making a loss again.

  4. Well thanks for that Anonymous... Kinda sad then that there is no volunteers up here willing to help out.

  5. For anyone interested there is a story on the Maydena Adventure hub enterprise at
