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Monday, July 15, 2013

Friends wanted for Magra land

The sign on the gate.
PUBLIC interest in developing a recreation ground at Magra is being gauged by the Derwent Valley Council. Last month's council meeting heard that a local resident had asked why land acquired for recreational purposes had never been developed and was instead being leased out.

The council has owned the land off Back River Rd since 1985 and there were moves to sell it in 2003. The community objected to its disposal and the land was subsequently leased to an adjoining landowner. Locals who have used the land for dog walking and football practice were surprised to find horses on the land last month, and a warning sign on the gate.

Residents interested in forming a committee to manage the property for community recreational purposes are asked to send their details to Derwent Valley Council general manager Stephen Mackey, PO Box 595, New Norfolk 7140, by July 25.

The land at Magra, off Back River Rd.

1 comment:

  1. This land was leased before, the public are still using this land with dig walking and football practice, I believe the owners of the horses did go and speak to some of the residents that use this land and they was happy anough to allow horses in there.
    I don't see the issue, the horses are not nasty do not go near the houses or people, they keep to themselves and as well as keeping the grass down for fire season and snake season.
