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Sunday, March 30, 2014

Hodgman names his ministries

Will Hodgman MHA, premier-elect

Sunday, 30 March 2014

"Tomorrow, I will recommend to His Excellency The Governor, the Honourable Peter Underwood AC, that he commission the following Ministers to deliver our long-term Plan for Tasmania. This team is a mix of experienced, hard-working MPs with a wide variety of backgrounds and real-life experiences. It is also geographically representative, with members from right around the State.

"With a Parliamentary Liberal Team of 17, the largest since 1998, I have decided to recommend to His Excellency an appointment of a Cabinet of nine ministers, supported by two Parliamentary Secretaries. Notwithstanding this, the number of individual ministries will total just 24, down from 31 under Labor and the Greens. This will make it clear who is the responsible Minister, and make it far easier for individuals and businesses in their dealings with the Government.

"In addition to being Premier, I will take on the roles of Minister for Tourism, Hospitality and Events; Sport and Recreation; and Aboriginal Affairs, reflecting the importance I place on these issues. Guy Barnett MP will be my Parliamentary Secretary.

"Jeremy Rockliff MP as Deputy Premier will take on the important role of Education and Training. Improving education outcomes will be at the heart of my Government, and Mr Rockliff will be tasked with implementing our Plan to extend High Schools to Year 12. He will also take on the role of Minister for Primary Industries and Water; and Minister for Racing.

"Rebuilding essential services is a core commitment of my Government, and the task in the health portfolio will be overseen by Michael Ferguson MP as Minister for Health. Mr Ferguson will also be Minister for Information Technology and Innovation, a role he shadowed in Opposition, and will take on the important task of Leader of Government Business in the House of Assembly.

"With her strong background in criminology, Dr Vanessa Goodwin MLC will be Attorney-General, Minister for Justice, and Minister for Corrections, as well as Minister for the Arts. I also intend to appoint Dr Goodwin Leader of the Government in the Legislative Council, making her the first female Liberal and only the second female Leader of the Legislative Council since Mrs Phyllis Benjamin AO MBE in 1969.

"Jobs will be the number one priority of my Government. As Minister for State Growth, Energy and the Environment, Parks and Heritage, Matthew Groom MP will have the important task of maximising our competitive advantages to create jobs. He will also be responsible for the merger of DEDTA and DIER to create the new Department of State Growth. As Parliamentary Secretary for Small Business and Trade, Adam Brooks MP will work out of the State Growth portfolio to facilitate the creation of new jobs in those important areas.

"In Opposition, Peter Gutwein MP proved his credentials on budgetary matters and as Treasurer he will have the task of repairing Tasmania's finances. As Minister for Planning and Local Government, Mr Gutwein will also have the important task of implementing our Plan for a quicker, cheaper, simpler and fairer planning system.

"With 18 years experience in the Parliament, Paul Harriss MP will be Minister for Resources. His initial key task will be to tear up the job destroying Forest Deal and to rebuild our critical forest industry. He will also be tasked with expanding our mining and minerals sector.

"The equally experienced Rene Hidding MP will take on the role of rebuilding our police service, as Minister for Police and Emergency Management. He will also be Minister for Infrastructure, with shareholder responsibility for a number of key government enterprises including the TT-Line; and he will oversee the creation of our new independent advisory body, Infrastructure Tasmania.

"Over the past four years, Jacquie Petrusma MP has proven herself a strong performer in the Human Services portfolio and she will continue that role as Minister. She will also take on the role of Minister for Women.

"Elise Archer MP will be the Government's nomination for Speaker of the House of Assembly. Elise has a strong legal background which I am sure she will apply rigorously to be a fair but firm Speaker. If elected, she will be the first-ever female speaker of the House of Assembly.

"Mark Shelton MP will be the Government's nomination for Chair of Committees and Deputy Speaker, a role he is well-suited to with his experience in the State Parliament, and prior to that, local government.

"Finally, Roger Jaensch MP will be Government Whip. Despite being newly elected to the Parliament, Mr Jaensch brings with him a strong background in government administration which makes him ideal for this role.

"I am confident that our team of 17 Liberal Members of Parliament will work tirelessly to deliver on our long-term plan for Tasmania - more jobs, economic growth, and a brighter future for all Tasmanians."

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