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Tuesday, March 25, 2014

Lyons latest - Morris rallies

The counting of votes from the March 15 State Election is creeping closer to a final
result in the division of Lyons. With many candidates now excluded and their
preferences distributed, all interest remains in the struggle between sitting member
Tim Morris MHA and the former deputy premier David Llewellyn who lost his seat
four years ago. Mr Morris has now surged ahead after trailing Mr Llewellyn for a

week but the ongoing distribution of preferences means nothing is certain at this
point. Rene Hidding MHA remains the only candidate officially elected and it would 
appear fellow Liberal Party candidate and former senator Guy Barnett will be the
next to get the nod.  The figures above are as at 9.13 tonight. Click image to enlarge.
For the latest results click here.

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