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Wednesday, November 16, 2016

Charity match aids stricken cricketer

Nathan Grant
WELL over $5000 was raised for Bushy Park cricketer Nathan Grant in the charity match played at the Bushy Park Showground on the weekend. Players from the Bushy Park and Runnymede clubs made up two mixed teams for an enjoyable event.

Bushy Park captain Shaun Fenton helped to organise the event and said it was good to see many spectators coming along, with more than 60 people turning out throughout the day.

The club thanks all those who donated be prizes or money as well as everyone who helped to make the day happen. It was all greatly appreciated. The funds raised will assist Nathan as he recovers from brain surgery

Let's hope that Nathan makes a speedy recovery and is back to his normal self very soon. It really is great to see how the cricket community can come together to help out when it is really needed. Well done to both clubs.


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