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Monday, January 27, 2014

Daniel Coppleman - Young Citizen of the Year

Daniel Coppleman.
AN all-rounder who recently finished Grade 10 at New Norfolk High School has been named the Derwent Valley's Young Citizen of the Year for 2014. Daniel Coppleman, of New Norfolk, was recognised for his record of school and sporting achievements.

Mayor Martyn Evans said it was a pleasure to present the award to Daniel, who he had watched develop over the last few years. Daniel participated in many events at New Norfolk High School and was secretary of the Prefect Board in 2013.

He was a student ambassador for the Beacon Foundation for the past two years and also served as a peer support leader. Daniel won a number of awards for personal growth, citizenship and service at the NNHS prize presentation ceremony in December.

Through the school Daniel participated in golf and bowls programs and he represented the school in many inter-high activities. A former New Norfolk junior footballer, he played for Hobart in last year's Tasmanian State League RACT Insurance Cup, and he plays senior cricket with Molesworth.

Congratulations Daniel.

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