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Tuesday, January 21, 2014

Premier praises Minister Farrell

BEING appointed as a short-term minister did not diminish the ability of New Norfolk's Craig Farrell, Premier Lara Giddings said after Friday's swearing-in by the governor. Ms Giddings said the elevation of Mr Farrell and Lyons MHA Rebecca White to the ministry allowed voters to see what a Labor Cabinet would look like after the March 15 State Election.

 “The fact that Craig and Rebecca will only be ministers for a relatively short time before the election in no way diminishes their abilities,” Ms Giddings said. “In fact, it is an added challenge to get up to speed and provide necessary leadership in a relatively short space of time. I have no doubt that both Craig and Rebecca are up to the task.

“All my new Ministers have an important role to articulate the Labor agenda and highlight Labor values heading into the election. As Leader of Government in the Upper House Craig Farrell requires a broad ranging knowledge of issues across all Ministerial portfolios. That means he is well equipped to adapt quickly to his new responsibilities.”

Farrell to fight for jobs, services and opportunities

THE new Minister for Sustainable Transport and Minister for Corrections and Consumer Protection, Craig Farrell, has said he’ll bring strong Labor values to his portfolios. Sworn-in last Friday, Mr Farrell soon issued a media release saying was seeking meetings with key stakeholders as soon as possible.

“Labor is all about jobs, services and standing up for people who need support,” Mr Farrell said. “Those will be my priorities in everything I do as minister. Public transport is a vital community service. It links people to jobs, education and a host of services and opportunities. I want ensure Tasmanians [to] have regular and reliable access to the public transport they need to reach work, study and other opportunities – especially in our regional communities.

“I also look forward to continuing strong reform in Tasmania’s corrections system, and helping protect the rights and livelihoods of everyday Tasmanians in the marketplace,” he said.

Mr Farrell said Labor’s commitment to strong, accessible services stood in stark contrast to the Tasmanian Liberals, who had proposed cutting Metro Tasmania funding by $3 million in their 2012-13 alternative budget.

“We know the Liberals have scant regard for the needs of communities, and Will Hodgman is too weak to stand up for Tasmania,” Mr Farrell said. “With Tony Abbott sharpening the axe in Canberra, it’s more important than ever to have a Tasmanian Labor Government standing up for our community and the vital services Tasmanians need,” he said.

1 comment:

  1. Congratulations to Mr Farrell. Well deserved for an honourable man.

    My only comment, in light of national news released today, where Tony Abbott the Liberal/National Party is seemingly inspired by Barrack Obama and his executive order obsession, is that Labor absolutely must remain in power in Tasmania to prevent a whitewash of the laws of this state. My only regret is that we cannot have a different Premier.
