COVID-19 ADVICE: The following links provide official advice and information about the virus known as COVID-19.
Australia's state and federal governments are taking action to help slow the spread of COVID-19. Use the links above to source the latest advice about what you can do to protect yourself and others. Washing your hands for 20 seconds is one of the most effective forms of infection control. Do this after blowing your nose, coughing or sneezing; after close physical contact with anyone who is unwell; after using the toilet; before and after eating; before, during and after preparing food; and after feeding or touching a pet.

Friday, January 17, 2014

Friday: Total fire ban

Total Fire Ban
For the whole of Tasmania

Issued at 3:52pm on Thursday 16 January 2014.

The Tasmania Fire Service has declared a total fire ban for Friday 17 January for the whole of Tasmania.

For further information regarding Fire Bans and other Fire Restrictions contact The Tasmania Fire Service on 1800 000 699 or visit

Fire Weather Warning
for the Upper Derwent Valley, Central North, East Coast, Midlands, South East and Central Plateau forecast districts

Issued at 3:56pm on Thursday 16 January 2014.

Weather Situation
Temperatures reaching the mid to high 30s and up to 40 degrees about south-eastern Tasmania, low relative humidity and north to north-west winds averaging 30 to 35km/h are expected.

For Friday 17 January:
Severe Fire Danger is forecast for the following forecast districts: Upper Derwent Valley, Midlands and South East. Some bushfires breaking out will spread rapidly and be uncontrollable. Some people in the path of a fire may be killed or seriously injured.

Very High Fire Danger is forecast for the following forecast districts: Central North, East Coast and Central Plateau. Some bushfires breaking out will spread rapidly and be difficult to control. There is a possibility that people in the path of a fire who are not well prepared may be killed or seriously injured.

The Tasmania Fire Service advises you to:

  • Check your bushfire survival plan - Now.
  • Monitor the fire and weather situation on ABC radio or through
  • If power supplies fail, listen on your car radio.

The Tasmania Fire Service advises that if you are in an area of Very High or Severe Fire Danger:

  • Get ready now to leave for a safe place.
  • Leave immediately if fire breaks out near you.
  • Only stay if your home is well prepared to withstand fire and you can actively defend it.

The next warning will be issued by 5am Friday.

Tasmania Fire Service
General Advice on a day of Total Fire Ban

Tools and equipment that use a naked flame or generate sparks such as welding or grinding, must not be used in the open air.

If essential works are required to be done a special permit may be issued, after a thorough investigation of each application. Apply to your TFS Regional Office.

Barbecues that use wood, charcoal or other solid fuel are banned. Gas and electric barbecues are permitted subject to the strict application of the conditions set out below. Gas and electric barbecues provided in public reserves/campsites may be used providing the barbecue is electric or gas fired and the barbecue is fixed permanent structure.

Portable gas and electric barbecues may be used provided: The barbecue is located within 20 metres of a permanent dwelling (mobile homes, caravans or tents are not classified as permanent dwellings).

Additional conditions that apply to the use of portable electric and gas fired barbecues and barbecues in public reserves and campsites:

  • the area for 3 metres around and above the barbecue is completely cleared of flammable material.
  • an adult is in attendance at all times
  • a tap with hose connected is ready for use
  • at least 10 litres of water is on hand in case of emergency.

Commercial caterers are required to obtain a special permit from your TFS Regional Office.

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