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Friday, December 28, 2018

Great Christmas spirit at community lunch

Volunteers Cameron Douglas and
Karin Harris.
A WONDERFUL afternoon was had at the New Norfolk War Memorial Hall on Tuesday, where more than 100 Christmas lunches were served to a big crowd of locals and visitors.

A team of volunteers from local churches assembled several hours earlier to decorate the hall and prepare the food. Lunch started to be served around noon, followed by carols singing and lucky door prize giveaways.

The event started about 30 years ago involving about 10 people from three families who were new to the area.

It grew into a community event held in the hall at St Matthew's Church, offering food and fellowship for people who might otherwise have been alone at Christmas. The theme each year is "bring a friend or come and make a friend."

One of the original participants and organisers, Les Whittle, said the lunch had been held at St Matthew's for about 20 years but it had grown to such an extent that it had been necessary to move to a bigger venue this year.

Justin Logie baked the potatoes for the lunch in his mobile oven.
Spokeswoman Gillian Parton said the size of the Memorial Hall had presented some challenges but assistance had been received in the form of donations and practical contributions from the community as well as the church fellowships.

"The day was an amazing culmination of thoughts and practical help from all the Christian leaders of New Norfolk," Mrs Parton said. "We had carols and laughter and lots of giveaways, lots of sharing and chatting."

The scene inside the Memorial Hall on Christmas Day.
Mrs Parton said it was a great privilege to have all the local churches and more than 100 members of the community joining together for Christmas Day in New Norfolk.

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