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Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Frascati friends meet

A SUCCESSFUL year's operations were reported at the first annual general meeting of the Friends of Frascati Community Garden on Monday night. The group has a long history but was formalised as a   Special Committee of the Derwent Valley Council in December 2010.

In her report, chairwoman Inger Visby said the committee had focused on two major projects during 2011 -  maintenance of the heritage-listed hawthorn hedge and the erection of a fence around a proposed food garden. "We have held 10 formal meetings, and approximately 306 volunteer hours have been spent on the project. Our bank balance is $9,163.14 [and] we currently have 35 volunteers registered," Ms Visby said.

Major accomplishments in 2011 included:
  • Acceptance of terms of reference by by the Derwent Valley Council
    Trimming of the Hawthorn hedge and weeding and rubbish removal in the area of Frascati House.
  • Fencing around the food garden, drafting of a design, rules and regulations of the food garden. Implementation of a code of conduct for committee members at meetings and on site.
  • Successful $400,000 grant application together with the Derwent Valley Community House for a five-year project called “Dirt to Plate to Job.”
  • Successful grant application to Derwent Valley Council for signage to promote the project and group.
"A good working relationship has been established with staff and associates of Heritage Tasmania, who have given us much encouragement and assistance over the last year, and are currently giving us advice about design for a tool shed for the food garden, and for a growing structure/seating area for the old grapevine," Ms Visby said. "Good co-operation is also being built with the Derwent Valley Community House. Committee meetings in 2012 will be held at the Community House on the second Wednesday of every month at 5.30pm.

"Friends of Frascati Community Garden have received excellent support from council employees when requests have been made. Particular thanks are extended to Phil Townsend, Merrilyn Williams and Robert McCrossen for their help. Councillor Judy Bromfield has been a valuable resource for the group. Her counsel has been sought on a number of issues and we thank her sincerely for all her efforts.

"We thank all other councillors and the general manager who have supported us to become a Special Committee of council and to make a start on our project, which we hope will begin to show major benefits to the community in the coming year."

Some of those at the Friends of Frascati meeting

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