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Friday, May 11, 2018

Helicopter rescue at Tynwald Park

The boy awaiting rescue earlier today.
A YOUTH has been rescued from floodwaters at Tynwald Park this afternoon.

Local police attended the scene at about 1.30pm, finding a boy in the water that has covered most of Tynwald Park today after the Lachlan River broke its banks overnight. The boy appeared to be sitting on the submerged fence between the football ground and the road.

Volunteers from the Derwent Valley State Emergency Service were soon on the scene and it was decided it was not safe for ground crews to attempt a rescue.

The police arrive at the scene.
While waiting for the Westpac rescue helicopter, the SES threw a safety hardness which reached the boy after several attempts. The speed of the floodwaters resulted in the rope line being snagged on debris, requiring SES volunteer Dean Lawrence to wade part-way to the boy to untangle the line.

With the arrival of the rescue helicopter at about 2.15pm the boy was soon winched to safety after nearly an hour in the water.

The boy, who police say was aged 15, was airlifted to the nearby Derwent Esplanade where he received medical attention for mild hypothermia.

The boy is winched to safety.

MORE: Worst flooding in more than 20 years

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