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Sunday, May 27, 2018

PHOTOS: Derwent Valley flood damage detailed

The fourth bridge along Glen Dhu Rd suffered severe damage.
DETAILS of damage to public infrastructure from the recent flooding at New Norfolk, Lachlan and Molesworth was provided during the community forum at this month's Derwent Valley Council meeting.

General manager Greg Winton said it was likely that three bridges on Glen Dhu Rd at Molesworth and one at Lachlan would need replacing at a cost of about $2 million. He hoped that about 75% of that cost would be recoverable from government funding.

The cost of restoring and re-opening the extensively damaged Tynwald Park was not yet known but Mr Winton expected this would also be covered by government funding.

Mr Winton said the flooding experienced on May 10-11 had been declared a natural disaster and the council was one cog in the recovery process. Information was still being received in relation to government assistance.

In response to a question, Mr Winton said the council's bridges were not insured for flood damage as this covering was impossible to obtain. He also pointed out that some damage would not be evident until later.

Deputy mayor Ben Shaw, as chairman of the May council meeting, thanked all those council staff and community volunteers who had been involved in the flood response.


  • Hansons Rd Bridge - replacement required
  • Hydehurst Rd Bridge - inspection required to determine damage
  • Timbs Rd Bridge - inspection required to determine damage
  • General washouts on gravel roads
  • Sealed road damage at bridge junctures and potholes
  • Gleeson Park - general water damage


  • Glen Dhu Rd Bridges 4, 5 and 6 - replacement required
  • Remainder of Glen Dhu Rd bridges - inspection required to determine damage and repairs
  • Molesworth Rd bridge - inspection required to determine damage and repairs
  • Extreme gravel road washouts along Glen Dhu Rd past bridge 2
  • Sealed road damage at Molesworth bridge juncture and potholes
  • Bus shelters damaged
  • Private road bridges damaged
  • Creek debris blockages

NEW NORFOLK - Tynwald Park

  • Closed for minimum two weeks to general public. Sporting groups to relocate roster games
  • Extensive Clean-up
  • Infrastructure replacement
  • Creek debris blockages
  • Buildings, fencing and play equipment
  • damaged

NOTE: The following photos were included in the presentation to this month's council meeting and were a mixture of images from the height of the flood and immediately afterwards. Much of the damage pictured has since been repaired.

Tynwald Park, New Norfolk.

Tynwald Park, New Norfolk.

Riverstones dumped on Tynwald Park by the floodwaters.

The footbridge between Turriff Lodge and Tynwald Park was dislodged again.

Bridge 1 on Glen Dhu Rd was substantially inundated but looks relatively
unscathed. Further inspection will be needed to ensure its structural integrity.

Bridge 4 on Glen Dhu Rd has been reinstated to a five-tonne
capacity but will need replacing following this damage.

Bridge 5, off Glen Dhu Rd to private property, has been condemned due to
failure of its abutments.

Bridge 6 on Glen Dhu Rd was washed significantly downstream but has been
 collected and reinstated with a three-tonne limit. It will need replacing due to
to this extreme damage.

Typical road-scouring seen along Glen Dhu Rd.

Close-up of a road-washout on Glen Dhu Rd.

Here's why you should never drive on flooded roads.

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