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Friday, May 11, 2018

Worst flooding in 20 years

Water from the flooded Tickleberry Farm
rejoining the Lachlan Rivulet near Hobart
Rd in New Norfolk.
A ROAD bridge and a footbridge washing away and sportsfields under water were just some of the results of the Derwent Valley experiencing its worst flooding in more than 20 years today.

While the floodwaters have been receding around some of its tributaries, the River Derwent and its catchment are still subject to a minor flood warning.

The Bureau of Meteorology advises that although the rainfall has now eased, strong and dangerous flows are likely to remain a hazard throughout the Derwent catchment over the next few days.

Residents of some parts of Lachlan and Glen Dhu woke today to find their main roads closed due to damaged bridges. The Derwent Valley Council hopes to have 3.8km of Glen Dhu Rd open to the first bridge by Sunday, but from the bridge onward will be foot traffic only, pending further safety assessments. Half of a bridge has washed away at Lachlan and others were closed due to damage.

The flooding had subsided but water was still racing through
Tynwald Park when this image was taken in the early afternoon.
Tynwald Park was fully inundated for much of the day, leading to a helicopter rescue when a youth became trapped in the floodwaters. The Tynwald Park flooding was due to the Lachlan Rivulet breaking its banks in multiple places, also closing a walking track alongside. The footbridge between Tynwald Park and Turriff Lodge has been washed away for the second time.

Molesworth Primary School and Glenora District School closed for the day and dozens of homes at Molesworth, Glenlusk, Collinsvale, Glenfern and Mt Lloyd are facing long delays before their electricity supply is restored.

The River Derwent at New Norfolk is expected to reach minor flood level overnight, inundating low-lying parts of the town. On early assessments the flooding of the Lachlan and Glen Dhu rivulets today appears to be the worst since 1996.

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