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Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Man fell eight metres into sewer

THE latest research into the tunnel under Burnett St has turned up a report of a worker falling eight metres while working on repairs to the sewer in 1920. The Mercury reported that works foreman John Thurley had lost his footing and pitched head-first down a hole that had been dug in Burnett St to allow access to the sewer leading from Willow Court to the river.

He narrowly missed a wooden ledge about half way down, eventually landing in about 20cm of slush. George Mansfield was working in the sewer at the time and raised the alarm. Bruised and shaken, Mr Thurley was admitted to the New Norfolk Cottage Hospital.

MAN FALLS 27 FEET. (1920, March 20). The Mercury (Hobart, Tas.), p. 6. Retrieved November 15, 2011, from

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