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Sunday, November 20, 2011

Rotary on the river

The cruisers rafted together at New Norfolk
THE Rotary Club of Moonah held its annual fundraising boat cruise on November 8 and the destination was New Norfolk. Some 160 participants - being members, supporters, sponsors and friends - gathered at the Motor Yacht Club of Tasmania at the Lindisfarne Marina for the 9am-5pm cruise on the beautiful River Derwent.

The 11 boats, heavily laden not only with people, but champagne, strawberries, gourmet food and a variety of refreshments made their way to Granton to await the "booked" opening of the Bridgewater Bridge's lifting span.

Following lunch at New Norfolk's Espanade, a swim by a few hardy souls and much merriment, the sailforce
made its way back down the river to comply with the re-opening of the span for the return journey. The Club has been holding the event for the past nine years, alternating the destination between Bruny Island and New Norfolk.

The cruisers making their way under the Bridgewater Bridge

1 comment:

  1. This is brilliant and something it would be nice to see more of. Goodness knows why the Bridgewater Bridge was constructed the way it was. Looking forward to it being replaced with a normal bridge which allows water craft underneath as and when they please.
    New Norfolk better get itself ready for when that happens ... to make the town a worthwhile destination, not just for the scenery and antique shops.
