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Friday, November 18, 2011

Mercury reveals "tunnel"

THE Mercury newspaper yesterday published this photo (left) showing the archaeology that was uncovered by construction workers in Burnett St last week.

The photo is said to reveal a ventilation shaft connected to some sort of tunnel beneath the road. The question remains: is it a tunnel, sewer or drain?

Jennifer Crawley's report can be read here.


  1. I've said it before (not in this forum) and I'll say it again - it's seriously time to contact A Current Affair! While TV shows like it and Today Tonight may not be hard-hitting journalism, they would be a good vehicle to get the disgrace that is Willow Court out to the wider public and perhaps pique some interest, including from those in Canberra.
    This is NATIONAL heritage that we are talking about. It simply is not for the DVC to make (bad) judgement calls on the future of this site based on what it can be bothered pursuing or what is of personal interest to the councillors and general manager of the day.
    And I will qualify this in noting that not all members of DVC are on the same page regarding Willow Court BUT the nett result is the same, nothing is being done and money is being squandered while it all goes to hell in a handbasket.
    It really is laughable for DVC to say tourism is the town's future - what would tourists come here for? There isn't even proper pedestrian access to the river or decent amenities on The Esplanade. And if you are interested in Maccas, well too bad if you want a view to enjoy from there either - windows face the carpark!

  2. It will always happen, we always leave heritage buildings until it's to late to do things with them be it not interested, not important at the time etc. As with the old tunnel in Burnett St this will be forgotten until the next time road works are carried out - oh except those that did take some of the old bricks away as souvenirs.
