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Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Ward 1 the latest to go

The latest inferno at Royal Derwent Hospital
UPDATED: FIRE has destroyed the second-last of the 1950s-era wards on the former Royal Derwent Hospital site. The brick building was gutted early this morning. The fire was reported at about 12.15am.

Ward 1 was one of the first two buildings erected in 1957 when the hospital embarked on its landmark rebuilding program that completely modernised mental health care in Tasmania.

In 2001 the building served as the venue for the ceremonial closing of Royal Derwent Hospital, with the then health minister Judy Jackson doing the honours.

It then became one of the first wards recycled for alternative use, reopening as the New Norfolk annexe of Claremont College. This was discontinued after several years.

Ward 1 now becomes the third of the former hospital buildings destroyed by fire this year, following Wards 11 and 2 in June, as well as Ward 9 last December. The tragic process of wiping Royal Derwent from the map is almost complete and we should hang our heads in shame.

In the cold light of day only the shell remained. It was demolished later


  1. OH NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!! I wish I could have went there one last time. I wonder when Ward 12 will go down in flames.

    I hope these people get caught! Make me so angry

  2. Just re-read your post. There are a lot of people that should hang their heads in shame that’s for sure.

    But we must not dwell on what we can not control, the site was sold to a developer and he is going to tear them down regardless.

    We must now protect Willow Court and the last Ward on the RDH site WARD 10. To my knowledge it’s owned by a different person, and the developer must never get hold of it as this will be the last example of an RDH Ward.

  3. It was interesting to read in The Mercury ( that the owners of the site propose to create a shopping hub. I wonder when this will occur, whether there will be any public consultation on the design and whether it will actually be an attractive addition to the area, perhaps with useable public spaces (given the large area), trees etc or just a concrete jungle. Is Council ensuring that these new developments (eg, the Willow Court oval) are going to provide for a co-ordinated shopping development or is everything being done in isolation whereby we'll end up with a total mish-mash of shopping precincts??
