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Monday, July 2, 2018

New Norfolk NEWS 10th anniversary

The first New Norfolk NEWS post on July 2, 2008.
TODAY is the 10th anniversary of the establishing of the New Norfolk NEWS. The first post, on July 2, 2008, reported on celebrations of the town's bicentenary. The second item that day reported that the Derwent Valley Council was to share in some road safety funding

Since then, a further 4540 posts have been published, and more than 1000 reader comments. The total number of page views to date is 794,288.

It's safe to say that council reports and car crashes account for the most-read news items in general, as shown in the top five items published so far:
  1. Willow Court forum ends in farce, published September 3, 2009, 8095 views and 15 comments
  2. Reader's letter - signs of the times, published February 9, 2012, 4036 views and 33 comments
  3. "I have nothing further to add", published September 18, 2008, 3996 views and two comments
  4. Blair St shop's 21st century smile, published May 27, 2018, 3218 views
  5. Police seek witnesses to Boyer crash, published September 5, 2013, 2990 views
The New Norfolk NEWS website uses the Blogger platform, which has some limitations but has on the whole proved reliable over the decade. With a conscious decision to stay off Facebook, visitor numbers to the site remain modest at about 200 per day.

Blogger has added various functions over time, including the option to have new posts emailed to your inbox, as well as the ability to share favourite posts to various forms of social media. This occasionally inflates the number of readers, as evidenced by the recent Blair St Shop article leaping into the all-time Top 5.

Thank you to all readers and contributors for your support and encouragement, especially those who have followed from the start. Please keep sending your contributions and feedback, and if you haven't already done so, why not sign up for the daily email news update. Look for the "Follow by email" box near the bottom right-hand-side of this page.


  1. Well done New Norfolk news. I have read your very newsy blog since the beginning I think and appreciate the effort you put in. Thank you

  2. Congratulations New Norfolk News! I check the site daily and really appreciate the content!
