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Friday, March 22, 2019

Ex-mayor urges councils to stick together

Martyn Evans speaking at last night's council meeting.
REGIONAL councils should stick with the Southern Tasmanian Councils Authority despite the potential departure of metropolitan counterparts, former mayor Martyn Evans told last night's Derwent Valley Council meeting

Councillor Evans said he had attended many STCA meetings in his previous role as mayor and had been frustrated by its Hobart-centric approach.

He said he was aware of the Clarence City Council’s decision to withdraw from the authority, as well as rumblings at other major councils. “We should stay in it and make it Southern Tasmanian Regional Councils,” Cr Evans said.

Meeting earlier this week, the STCA board proposed that the body be funded from reserves for the next financial year, at no cost to participating councils. “We can keep it going and use [the funding] to support the seven regional councils and utilise that money to great effect within the smaller regions,” Cr Evans said.

Cr Rachel Power agreed with Cr Evans’ proposal. “It’s worrying that the big guys don't play with the little guys sometimes, but sometimes it’s nice for the little guys to have their own voice,” Cr Power said. “It’s a time to stand up and be heard. If those guys are stepping out of the way, even better,” she said.

The council voted unanimously to remain a member of the STCA for the 2019/20 financial year.
Hobart, Glenorchy and Kingborough councils are considering their future in the STCA but Huon Valley Mayor Bec Enders has defended the southern council group, saying a regional authority was vital to lobby state and federal governments.


  1. Cr. Evan's knowledge combined with his hands on experience of things related to the STCA has positioned him as the go to councillor. Take away message no cost, hang in there and contribute to what it really needs to be. Cr. Evan's did flag his idea for a name change SRCA Southern Regional Councils Authority.
    Having said that his idea should or could be incorperated in the discussions at the mid-May Mayor's workshop...the role of the STCA after 2020 is on the front buner. My concern is about insisting that council will be providing a list of key priorities for regional collaboration for discussions at the workshop to the secretariat by end of April. If this had not been a supplementary agenda item and papers received on the night, in my mind that would have been a pressing question. A request to do the work & deliver on the priority list. The fact that it never came up during the discussion I'm hoping that the request is acted upon.

  2. What a load of rot all these 'extra' committees - get rid of all of them and simply utilise the LGAT a lot better. Waste of money for ratepayers.
