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Wednesday, January 16, 2013

Clark family history

INFORMATION (photos, documents, family Bibles) is being sought on the families of William Clark of Mt Lloyd, near New Norfolk. William was born around 1813 and died at Dry Creek (Glenfern) in 1879. He had children with Ann Browning (nee Murrell). These were Elizabeth born 1843 (married name Boon), Sarah b. 1845 (m. Lewis), Charles b. 1848 and William b.1850. Some of these children went by the Clark surname others by Browning.

Ann Browning died in 1852 and William married an Irish girl by the name of Catherine Cantilen at Macquarie Plains in 1855. Children to this union (who survived birth) were Jane b. 1856 (m. Leeson), Thomas b. 1857, Susan b. 1860 (m. Butler), Catherine b. 1865 (m. Oakley), David Arthur b. 1867, Edward b. 1869 and George Henry b.1872.

Most of the children from both relationships stayed in the New Norfolk and Hamilton districts and have continuing links with the area to the present day.

William Clark's origins remain mysterious. He was always decribed as a "native of the colony" but extensive research has not solved his parentage. Anecdotal stories suggested he was a brother of James Peevor/Clark of "Rockmount", Ellendale and recent evidence suggests he was in some way related to him.

Any information to expand this family history would be greatly appreciated. Contact Peter Oakley on 0429 963 818 or email

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